Chapter 4

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~The Next Day~

"Jack? You up?" Flynn's voice was heard from the other side of the door.

"Yeah, just gimme a minute" Jack quickly put on his leather jacket and walked out before following Flynn to the main hall for breakfast.

"Fill yourself as much as you can. You're gonna be working a lot today," Flynn commented.

"On what, exactly?" Jack asked.

"The Rink. We need to start fixing it or you're never going home. And besides, the head will be arriving tomorrow and he would expect at least a little bit of work done" Flynn informed.

"The head?" Jack asked in confusion.

"Yeah. The actual head, the commander, the boss of this place. So you better eat up quick buddy, I still need to introduce you to Bessie, with whom you'll be working with later on" Flynn said as the two started eating.

"Bessie? A girl?" Jack smirked, internally cringing at his own behaviour.

"You'll know," Flynn commented as the others joined them.


"This is Bessie?!?" Jack exclaimed, staring in shock as Flynn pulled out an old Zamboni Ice Resurfacer. Flynn smirked as he stopped it outside the garage, just a few feet away from the ice rink's boundary.

"Oh yes! Jack, meet Bessie. Bessie, meet Jack, your new partner!" Flynn introduced.

"Seriously?!" Jack yelled.

"Yup. Well, do you know how to use a Resurfacer?" Flynn asked.

"Never had the need to learn," Jack shrugged.

Flynn sighed, exhausted with his attitude before he led Jack away from the Resurfacer.

"First let's start with removing all the broken ice from the rink." And he led Jack to the wide space which was covered with cracked ice. Jack whistled at how bad it looked before he yelped when Flynn threw something like a pole with a pointed end.

"The heck am I supposed to do with this?!" Jack exclaimed.

"You are gonna use that pole, insert it in between the cracks to lift the ice and throw them outside the rink," Flynn smirked.

"Don't you have a machine for that as well?" Jack asked.

"We do, but it doesn't work currently so we have to go with this method." Flynn shrugged.

"Do I have to lift the ice? I mean, we can always let it melt and then freeze it again." Jack pointed out.

"That's what we do most of the time, but the thing is you don't have any time. This place is cold literally all the time, except in summer, which means the ice takes hell lotta time to melt down. You want to finish it as quick as possible, right? Then this is the only way." Flynn replied.

"Fine," Jack muttered. "This is gonna be a piece of cake."


"God damn it! Just how big is this rink?" Jack groaned, throwing off the twentieth chunk of ice off the rink. He had been working all morning and afternoon, and not even half of the rink was over. He huffed for the hundredth time, digging the pole between two cracks and putting all his strength in breaking the ice. "Can't you at least help me with this?" He looked up at Flynn, who was sitting on a bench outside the rink, ice cream in hand as he watched Jack.

"Your mess, you clean." Flynn shrugged.

"What a great attitude," Jack shot back, rolling his eyes.

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