Chapter 21

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"For someone who spends billions ruining other's lives, Pitch sure can't seem to keep his garden clean!" Flynn groaned, pulling out another spiderweb from his hair. "I mean, Rapunzel would probably get a stroke at how poorly these trees have been treated."

"Seems like his creepiness and disgusting sense of style is still the same as ever." Elsa rolled her eyes, ducking behind another tree as a Nightmare flew overhead. "You can still sense them, right?"

"As clear as daylight," Flynn commented before he accidentally walked into another spiderweb. "My hair! My beautiful hair!"

"Honestly, Flynn, get over yourself!" Elsa hissed, eyes darting from side to side in search of any Nightmares around them.

"Suuuuure. I'll definitely need a long shower after this, though. I-" He shut up when he saw her glare and pointed in the direction of a huge door surrounded by Nightmares. "They're there."

Elsa eyed the door and the Nightmares before sighing and shaking her head. "There are way too many Nightmares out there. Isn't there any other way?"

"What? The great Elsa Winters is scared of a few mud horses?" Flynn scoffed.

Elsa's eye twitched in annoyance before she sighed. "You know I can't take on so many, Eugene."

He silently placed a hand on her shoulder and replied, "Elsa, we both know that you totally can take on each and every horse out there and destroy them completely. You don't have to fear using your powers. Heck, these are Pitch's Nightmares so fighting them might help you to overcome your fear! Please, Elsa, there are innocent lives at stake here."

Elsa pondered over his words for a minute before giving him a small smile. "When did you become so well-versed in pep talk?"

Flynn shrugged and smirked, rolling his eyebrows, "What do I say? My wife is amazing at everything and it just rubbed off on me."

Elsa snickered and shook her head before huffing in determination. "Well, thanks Eugene. But if I turn up bloody and bruised, I'm setting Anna onto you." She winked before walking towards the door.

"Wait what?" Flynn looked absolutely horrified as he chased after her. "Wait, Elsa, I'm pretty sure we can work out somethi- Elsa wait!"


It was common knowledge among those interested in the Race of Rapidity that all the selection races up to the Light Cup always determined the strength, intelligence, and control over the powers of the players. But the Tachyons Cup was always different and unpredictable as the races were set up after the semi-finals with the racers' weaknesses and strengths kept in mind.

This time, the Tachyons Cup race track had six parts: the first one in a stadium where the audience would be present, four parts outside the stadium enclosed inside huge domes created by the Race Committee members of which each dome would consist of different obstacles, and one final unpredictable stage with obstacles and traps which change throughout the race leading back to the starting point. This last level of the race was an audience-favourite and had been used for the final race many times, including Elsa's final race.

"Oh my GOD, look at that speed! I'm not even able to follow them with my bare eyes!" The female announcer swooned, watching the race unfold on the screen.

The whole audience seemed to agree with her as they cheered and roared, huge screens around the stadium showing each of the racers while one huge screen showed their placements and locations.

"Currently, we have Jack Frost in the lead, with Hiccup Haddock and Hans Westergaard close by, followed by the youngest competitor to take part in the race ever, Dash Parr!" Announced the male speaker. "And now, all of our racers have finally entered the Blizzard!"

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