Chapter 10

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A/N: REALLLY long explanations coming up!

"Okay, so what exactly did you wanna know?" Elsa said to herself.

"How did you win so many of those Tachyons Cups, when did you win those, and why they were broken down in your basement which, might I add, is completely wrecked up, and finally, why is someone who's so good at racing as yourself, here in a small rink?" Jack asked.

"Now that's a lot of questions," Elsa stated dryly, "But I will answer them nonetheless. I do owe you after all. Is it okay if I start from my childhood?"

"That would be even better," Jack admitted.

"Okay," Elsa whispered, taking a deep breath before she started.

"I was born here in the rink, to Agnar Arendelle Winters and Iduna Winters. I've lived here for as long as I can remember, along with Anna, Rapunzel, and Merida. All of us became pros at ice skating, but Merida preferred Horse Riding more, Anna was interested in snowmen and Rapunzel loved cooking and painting. That left me to practice more than the others.

"My parents and Anna were normal by birth but Anna received her superhuman strength as she grew up whereas I was born with ice powers, which I inherited from my grandmother, and I really loved them. Anna and I would wake up in the middle of the night to play with my powers, make snowmen, have snowball fights, you name it. It went to the extent of Anna, Merida and Rapunzel never leaving my side during summer because the weather used to be a lot more hotter than it is now and I was able to keep them cool. I wanted to make them happier, so I started trying various things with my powers. And soon enough, my love for my powers grew so much that I wanted to learn more about them.

"I spoke to my father about this and he was reluctant at first, but he agreed after half a year of seeing how much my powers meant to me. So I left the rink and headed to the city at the age of eight. I joined a magical academy, which happened to be a boarding school, that taught children more about our powers. So I learnt and continued developing my powers and myself. And that's when it all started.

"Soon enough, the announcement for the auditions for the Race of Rapidity arrived at our academy. Back then, Manny worked as a professor in our academy, and I knew him since he was also part of the rink. He was very impressed with my work, even though I was barely eleven at that time, and encouraged me to try out for the race. I wasn't too sure, but when he pointed out that I might get to know of many other people's powers as well, I auditioned.

"It wasn't easy, as you might know, because of all the training we had to do. There were some times when I just wanted to return back home, but then I would remember how much dad and mom had sacrificed for me, and that drove me forwards. Manny agreed to train me and I trained much more than anyone in the whole academy. And soon enough, I came first in my academy for my performance, and I was selected for the Regionals.

"If I thought School level was tough, Regionals was worse. They trained us really hard and many even dropped out because they couldn't handle the stress. But as I told you, I wanted to know more so I pushed myself through everything. I met many people, and I was awestruck whenever I saw anyone's powers. But soon enough, thanks to the harsh training and Manny's motivational speeches, a new ambition stemmed into my heart- to win the Tachyons Cup.

"And of course, me being my usual self, I had plenty of doubts. All it took was one visit to the rink, where I saw how everyone was having a hard time without customers, and I was completely determined to win the Tachyons Cup. So I tried my best to win Regionals, knowing that the Regionals is where competitors get sponsored by whichever company gets interested in them. And finally, my hard work paid off, I won the Regionals in First place, and I signed a contract with Nightmares Inc. along with a few other racers.

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