Chapter 9

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Okay, let's calm down. This is not exactly a 'date' date, just a meeting where I will be asking Elsa about everything I wanna know about. Yeah, that's it.

And I'm completely gonna forget about what we almost did yesterday. Not that it meant anything to me- did it mean anything to me? I mean-

"What the heck are you doing out here so early in the morning?!"

Jack jumped, startled by Flynn's sudden appearance, before he leaned against the supper hall's door again.

"I'm heading out," Jack answered. "Oh, and I'll be borrowing your motorbike for today."

"Wait, seriously?" Flynn raised an eyebrow. "I wasn't informed about this. Are you going with Kris again? Because Elsa really didn't tell me."

The brunette eyed his clothes, and Jack merely raised an eyebrow as he checked himself. He was wearing skin-tight black knee-ripped jeans, a black T-shirt, his usual black leather jacket and black boots. His silver hair was messed up in its own unique way, his duffel bag was on the ground next to him and his black steel staff was right next to it.

"Well..." Jack trailed off.

"That's because I'm going with him myself," a familiar voice interrupted them and Jack felt his heart skip a beat as Elsa calmly walked over. Memories of the previous day rushed to his head but Jack forced himself to concentrate.

He noticed a change in her clothes, and raised an eyebrow appreciatively as he checked her out. She had swapped her usual maxi-skirt and long sleeved tops for something more different, which consisted of black jeans, a plain white T-shirt, a blue jacket, a baby-blue scarf loosely wrapped around her neck, and black boots. Her hair was in its usual bun and her right hand was holding on to a blue shoulder bag.

"Wait, what?!" Flynn blinked in utter confusion, taking his seat next to Punzie as the three of them reached their table, where the others were already seated.

"That's right," Elsa nodded professionally. "Frost here asked me if he could visit any higher places for practice and that he was sick of being only in the rink and the mountain grounds where we raced, and I know that both Kris and you have business to attend to so I told him I'll be accompanying him for the day."

"Seriously?" Everyone blinked in shock, before they quickly turned to Jack, who was surprised about her explanation, but nodded nonetheless.

"Huh, hard to believe Elsa actually agreed to accompany you," Kristoff snickered.

"Unless you forced her to," Merida narrowed her eyes at Jack.

"You think she would even consider if I forced her?" Jack asked.

"Nope," Flynn piped in.

"Besides," Rapunzel drawled, her expression turning sly, "You both are gonna be spending time all alone."

"Oh yeah," Anna grinned before her expression changed drastically to a serious one as she turned to Jack, "Hurt my sister in any way, and I will break you."

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