Chapter 5

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"I can't believe you! You actually tried to escape??" Kristoff rolled with laughter when he heard the news from Flynn.

"You must be crazy if you thought you could escape the place with Flynn and Elsa keeping watch!" Merida grinned smugly when Jack glared at her.

"Well, excuse me for trying to escape from this hell!" Jack hissed.

"You are probably the only one who would call this place hell," Anna pointed out.

"Whatever" Jack rolled his eyes, sipping the coffee which Flynn offered.

"Well, you better eat up fast. You've still got work to do." Flynn smirked, just when Jack groaned loudly and dramatically buried his face in his arms, which caused the others to laugh. Jack looked up, looking at everyone's happy faces and felt his heart grow warm, just a bit.

"Ooh, somebody looks especially happy today..." Anna cooed. wiggling her eyebrows. 

Elsa rolled her eyes as she came and stood next to their table.

"Nothing like that. I just came to tell that Mr Moon wanted to talk to Punzie and you," she told Anna before turning to Merida. "Your mom was searching for you, telling that your brothers caused trouble again and she needs your help." Then she turned to Kristoff, "Oaken's called up and informed that our supplies are ready so please go and collect them as soon as possible. I'm sure Sven would love to run through the forest after so many days"

Rapunzel, Anna, Merida, and Kristoff groaned and sighed before they started heading in different directions. And finally, Elsa turned to Flynn, with a smirk on her face.

"I'm sure you know what your job is" she grinned, before glancing over at Jack who had an annoyed expression plastered on his face.

"Well, I don't," he bit out.

"You are gonna continue removing the broken ice, fill the rink with water and cover the place for it to freeze," she replied.

"And after that?" Jack raised an eyebrow.

"I'm sure you deserve a bit of rest after that, so once you finish that, you can probably look around the place or just head back to your room to rest while the water freezes over," She informed. Elsa opened her mouth to say something but then her wristwatch beeped, causing Elsa to look at it before she returned her gaze back on the two men. "Well, I've got some work to do. Good day." and she was off to who-knows-where.

"Does she always dress up and talk so formally?" Jack asked Flynn after making sure that Elsa was far enough.

"She can't help it. Elsa's always been this way. To be honest, I don't even remember the last time I heard her laugh out loud. Its difficult being in her shoes. Having to manage all of us and learning all about running this place from a very young age has changed her, though we do hope its temporary," Flynn explained.

Jack looked down with a thoughtful expression, having another argument with himself in his head.

Everyone has their situations, huh...

Wait, I can't be sympathizing with her! I need to get out of her as fast as possible and attend the race!

Soon enough, Jack left the dining hall alongside Flynn, but his eyes treacherously glanced back, stealing a glance at the secretive platinum-blonde.

But still... She is a pretty mysterious person...


"Hey, Frost! I'm gonna go and get myself something to drink! You want anything?!?" Flynn yelled from the other side of the rink.

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