Chapter 14

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Hey there everyone! To those who actually bothered to read this fanfiction, thank you so very much. And to those who've read the previous chapters before they were all edited on November 24th, 2019, don't worry, you haven't missed out on much. All you need to know is:

-From the first, Jack has been obsessed about winning the Tachyons Cup for the money so that he could support Emma better, rather than wishing to be the most powerful man on earth.

-His relationship with Emma is still strained

-He doesn't particularly like flirting to others but makes an exception only for Elsa coz he likes it when she blushes. He was taught to flirt and be a bad boy in front of the cameras and other ladies by his trainers and fellow trainees.

-He's a lot more tolerable now rather than being the conceited jerk that he was in the beginning of the story.

-All that unnecessary shit about 'Emilie the Girlfriend' is also officially deleted.

That's pretty much it for the edited version. 


"Where the heck am I...?"

Jack looked around but saw nothing. The darkness was so overwhelming that it made him run out of breath. He walked aimlessly and then blinked when a sudden howl was heard in the distance.

'What the hell...'

He walked towards the howl, which was followed by a few more howls and growls. He started running towards the sound but then stopped when something else was heard.

A human scream.

So loud and painful that Jack wondered if they were being tortured. He picked up speed and flew towards the noises when all of a sudden, a spotlight shone on something a few yards in front of him and Jack stopped abruptly, his staff slipping from his hands as he stood frozen in shock and horror.

Under the light was Jamie, lying on his stomach with a bloody arm stretched out towards Jack. His other limbs were bitten and ripped out, his clothes were torn and there were bite marks and flesh ripped out in many parts of his body.

"Ja...mie...?" Jack whispered, willing his legs to move but his body didn't seem to listen to him and kept him stuck in his spot.

Jamie lifted his head up and Jack's eyes widened, even more, when he saw a half of his face eaten off.

"No..." Jack leaned backward in horror and landed on his butt.

"Run... away... Jack..." Jamie breathed out.

Suddenly, many pairs of bright glowing eyes appeared all around them and Jack stifled a gasp when he recognized them.

"Please, go, Jack!" Jamie whimpered, sounding hurried and panicked.

"No... I can't..." Jack whispered, fear coursing through him.

"Ja..." Jamie was cut short when something stepped out of the darkness and launched itself on him.

He screamed and writhed in pain as many more Nightmares pounced on him, ripping out the flesh from his body. Even his voice was muffled as one of the Nightmares stood between Jamie and Jack, eating away at the rest of his face.

"Jamie, NO!" Jack finally moved and took a step forward. He realized he wasn't moving at all and looked down at his own body.

Ropes of black sand were wrapped around his arms, legs and his waist. He tried moving but it was useless and his powers didn't seem to work as well.

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