Chapter 22

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"This is hard!" Jack growled, hissing as he barely missed another volcanic eruption.

"No shit, Sherlock. This whole part of the race is meant to be your weakness after all." Manny retorted.

"You know," Jack grumbled, cooling his burnt finger as he continued flying, "you seemed a lot more passive and polite back at the rink. What happened?"

Manny hesitated to answer, which just raised Jack's curiosity. "That's not something we can talk about while you're racing..."

"Is it Elsa?"

Manny stayed quiet.

"So it is," Jack dodged another fireball which fell from the sky, "let's talk about it after I win this, okay?"

"What are you? My therapist?" Manny deadpanned.

"I'm not, but God you really do need one," Jack smirked as Manny started scolding him again, before shifting his attention to the race. "Who's leading?"

"Hans, obviously. Unlike you, he's actually focussing and strengthening himself." Manny scoffed.

"Don't praise that asshole. He's probably still believing that I'm gonna lose at the last minute. Poor fellow," Jack shook his head at Hans' stupidity.

"Do not underestimate your enemy, Jack," Manny advised.

"Not at all, old man. If there's one guy whom I've been looking out for since the beginning of the race, it's him." Jack informed, glaring ahead where he could faintly see Hans flying.

"Good. Now burst up your speed and get out of there fast." Manny ordered.

"As you wish," and with a smirk, Jack picked up his speed, creating a barrier made of wind and ice around himself.

After flying for some time, he finally came side by side with his main rival. Hans looked at him with a raised eyebrow, before approaching Jack.

"Don't back out right now, I want you to stay in the race till the final lap. You can drop out as we reach the final part of the last race." Said Hans, eyes focused ahead.

This asshole...

Jack could only stare at him in shock and amusement as he opened his mouth to reply that he can go fuck himself when Manny spoke up.

"Don't mention anything about the rescue to him. Pretend like you're actually gonna lose. We haven't gotten any update from Elsa yet so we can't risk Pitch getting alarmed."

Jack rolled his eyes, controlling the urge to tell something cocky before he smirked and saluted to Hans. "As you wish, boss."

And with that, he flew off, far ahead than any of the other racers, and finished that stage of the track before entering the last stage. This part of the track was the unpredictable part because it could contain any traps or obstacles which would keep changing throughout the race; so even a single wrong move might end up sending him to the hospital.

With a bitter expression on his face, Jack reminded himself that it was at this stage when Hans pulled that cheap trick against Elsa when the whole part of the track had turned into a dark tunnel during the last lap.

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