Epilogue 2

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"Are you sure you wanna wear that, Elsie?" Anna asked, an eyebrow raised as she stared at Elsa's dress disapprovingly.

Elsa's eyes narrowed, offended by her sister's comment as she stood in front of the full-body mirror. A form-fitting sleek black dress hugged her body and accentuated her curves and Elsa really liked the lace sleeves that covered the entire length of her arms upto her wrist. "Why, whats wrong with this one?"

"My dearest sister, may I remind you that it has a huge fuckin window at the back stretching from the top of your shoulder blades to the starting point of your butt crack," Anna deadpanned. "And if that isn't enough, the slit literally comes almost all the way to your hips! We're choosing a dress for Jack's celebratory party, not for your honeymoon! One look at your creamy back and your boyfriend's gonna be horny all night!"

"Anna, please! We're at a store!" Elsa hissed, cheeks flushed as her eyes darted to few of the women who turned their heads..

As Anna huffed and returned to the aisles in search of another dress, Elsa looked back at the mirror. This definitely wasn't the first time she wore any revealing clothes and she knew Anna's words had at least a little bit of truth in them; the last time she wore a summer dress that was way shorter than any dress she's ever worn, Jack refused to leave her alone all day and Flynn caught them making out in the backyard. 

Despite having been a happy couple for the past four years, Jack still managed to make her weak at the knees and she knew he also had a hard time keeping his hands away. Their busy schedules allowed very little time for them to actually enjoy their time together but when they did, Jack always made sure to make it a memorable time.

Glancing over her figure one last time, Elsa decided to buy it but save it for some other time. She changed into her normal clothes and stepped out of the changing room, joining her sister in searching for a proper dress.

"What about you, Anna?" She asked, placing back another dress in the rack. "Is your dress ready yet?"

Anna hummed from two aisles away, walking towards her with few dresses in hand as she patted her swollen belly. "Can't be wearing any ready-made clothes with the little one in here. So I had a friend of mine stitch one for me and I've already brought it to your penthouse. I am happy with the dress but Punzie looked sad that she couldn't do it for me."

"Of course she couldn't," Elsa took the clothes from her sister and made her sit down before going through each of them, "I heard Little Varien has finally started showing his dad's genes and is going around wreaking havoc inside the shops."

"Oh God, trust me, its like the Triplets all over again," Anna groaned. "And whats worse is that the three of them are training him to pull pranks!"

Elsa smiled and picked out a certain dress that Anna had brought over. It looked beautiful and suited her tastes very well, and also looked formal enough for a business party and casual enough for an event including their family and friends. She tried it out in the changing rooms and admired herself, loving how the dress revealed her collarbone and shoulders. She smiled to herself at how soft the fur around the neckline was and decided that this dress was the one.

Once Anna was satisfied as well, they paid for both the dresses and quickly got back into their car.

As they drove through the busy streets of New York, Elsa couldn't help but glance up at all the billboards with her boyfriend's face displayed on it, congratulating him for his second win at the Race of Rapidity. She smiled at how all the advertisements showed him off as this hot-and-cool badass and lovable bad boy whereas literally anyone who has spoken to him for more than five minutes would know that he is a determined and proud crackhead. She giggled when she saw a toothpaste advertisement he had acted in, and how much he had cringed in embarrassment when he had returned home that day.

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