Chapter 19

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"Jack, for God's sake, stop sulking already!" Bunny hissed, trying to look at the racer through the rearview mirror.

But Jack remained unresponsive.

Bunny sighed and turned around to see him face to face. But the racer had curled up and was hugging his knees, lying down on the seat with his back facing both of them. He had his hood on and he had stayed that way from the minute they left the forest.

Sandy looked like he wanted to sign something but he couldn't since he was the one driving. He glanced at Jack as well, concerned for the racer.

Sandy thought back to when Toothiana had stepped into the room, suddenly yelling that she found Jack. That had caused a lot of confusion and chaos in the company but once everyone calmed down, she explained that she'd received a phone call from Mr Moon, and that she had Jack's location. After a whole month of searching, Bunny wasn't ready to believe her, thinking it could've been a prank-call but after she assured them that it wasn't and that the actual Manny Moon had told her about Jack's location, they geared up and left for the ice rink in the middle of the forest.

Somehow, the media and press had received the same information and it became a race to reach Jack first. 

Sandy knew he would be lying if he thought everything was now back to normal because obviously, it was not. Jack's behavior had surprised both of them from the minute they laid their eyes on him in the middle of the crowd.

Bunny had been raging about the paparazzi reaching him first but Sandy had noticed that Jack had actually been trying to cover someone up, putting himself between the person and the paparazzi. He wasn't basking in the attention as he usually did but was rather trying to get away from them. And if that was not weird enough, he had hugged Bunny and Sandy the minute he saw them, which left the two of them dumbstruck. But they didn't have time for that as they had to escort him back to the company as fast as possible.

And Jack had surprised Bunny and Sandy yet again when he literally pleaded for just a few minutes to talk to the person he had protected previously. And even while holding back the paparazzi, Sandy had managed to catch a glimpse of Jack hugging someone tightly. Someone, seeing whom Sandy was surprised and shocked.

Elsa Winters, the legendary winner of the Race of Rapidity, had been hugging Jack.

And seeing how Jack was sulking now, Sandy knew he was far from pleased after he was forcefully dragged away from her. Which meant that they were probably close friends.

Or something more...

Drowned in his thoughts, Sandy absently turned the wheel to take a turn. He sighed to himself as Bunny continued to rant next to him but then he paused when he noticed something weird.

He placed a hand on Bunny's mouth and glanced around their car. Surprised, Bunny was about to yell at him but the seriousness on Sandy's face shut him up and he looked around in suspicion.

Sandy gestured towards the area in front of their car. Bunny couldn't understand what was going on until he realised that the road was empty before them.

Where the heck did the bodyguards go?!

He turned around in search of the second car of bodyguards behind them, only to see it missing as well.

We're alone... Or probably not...

He grabbed his boomerangs when he saw something move in the shadows. Sandy was ready as well, long and bright whips made of sand materialized in his hands.

They shared a glance with each other before stepping out of the car. And knowing who the main target might be, Sandy quickly covered the whole car in a thick layer of his golden sand.

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