Chapter 20

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Manny blinked in shock when Elsa glared at him, eyes filled with tears yet burning with the rage of a huge forest fire.

Elsa had finally poured out all of her feelings, her insecurities and her hopes to Manny who just kept giving snarky remarks. Each of his remarks just cut her up more and more but Anna, Rapunzel, Flynn, Kristoff, and Merida, who were also present, could hear his voice shaking a few times.

Elsa had initially tried to hold back but seeing Manny being so nonchalant about her feelings, she finally snapped, pouring out her emotions, telling him about every single time he hurt her while being inconsiderate of her feelings. And that was when Manny decided to tell something which threw off everyone. 

'It's not like I genuinely hurt you anyway.'

Which received an equally surprising reaction from Elsa who lost her cool and screamed in his face.

And seeing her standing in front of him with so much hatred and disbelief, Manny finally realised that he had hurt her more than he thought he actually had.

He stood and watched in utter shock and disbelief, jolting out of his stupor only when Elsa let out a deep breath. She wiped her face and glared at him with enough intensity to make him look away. Tears shimmered on her eyelashes and she blinked them away. She wiped her eyes one last time with her sleeve before muttering, "I've had enough..."

Anna took a small step forward to console her sister. "Elsa..."

"...I've had enough- of you," Elsa repeated, actually managing to unnerve Manny, "As much as I convinced myself that you didn't love me, I always hoped that one day- one day, you'd come to your senses and see just how much you were hurting me. One day, you'd realise that you love me. One day, you'd finally start treating me like family, like your goddaughter. But I guess I was hoping for too much. I-" She paused, looking away as she snickered to herself, "I really was an idiot for even believing that you loved me at any point..."

Blinking in shock, Manny took a step forward as he yelled, "What do you mean I don't love you?! Of course I do-!"

All it took was one glare from Elsa and Manny was silenced.

"Don't. Lie. To me." She hissed.

Withering under her gaze as he realised his own mistakes, Manny's gaze turned to the ground. He sighed and opened his mouth to tell something when the telephone started ringing.

Casting a glance at Elsa and him, Anna quickly walked over and held the phone against her ear.



"Hel-lo Ladies and Gentlemen! Lo and Behold! The most exciting event of the year which we all have been waiting for is finally here! Esteemed guests and audience, I welcome you to this year's final round of the Race of Rapidity!"

Toothiana continued pacing the floor as she listened to the announcer's booming voice. She kept glancing at the room labelled 'Dressing Room', where Jack had been trying on his outfit for the past ten minutes now. Bunny and Sandy were waiting on the couch nearby while North was outside, attending to a few last-minute arrangements for Jack's race.

The door opened and all three of them turned to look at him. Nothing much had changed in his clothes. He was still wearing the same hoodie and brown pants and was holding his staff in one hand. But she knew that below the clothes, Jack was wearing the special safety equipment made for him. And Tooth had to admit; Jack would've looked way more handsome, if not for the frown on his face and the dead look in his eyes.

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