Chapter 24

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Yes, that's right. Put all your focus on me.

Jack continued forging ahead as fast as he could, putting every ounce of his attention to his surroundings. He stayed mindful of the information Manny continued telling, getting confirmations that the unfair attacks on Hiccup and Dash had effectively stopped as Pitch's group focussed on Jack from the minute he took the lead. He sighed in relief when Manny told him about Elsa, Emma, and Jamie's safe return, which just drove him to fly faster.

Even in the blizzard, which was Jack's strength in the race, Pitch seemed to have someone controlling the winds as Jack found himself thrown off balance many times. Manny informed him that Kristoff is trying as hard as possible so it shouldn't be a problem anymore, but Pitch's guy seemed to be pretty powerful. But no matter what they did, Jack didn't allow himself to be controlled or distracted as he concentrated on collecting energy from around him.

He flew fast enough that even if they could control the winds, Pitch's henchman couldn't harm him in any way as he flew faster than the winds around him. He noticed that Pitch's guy had a very slow reaction to anything happening with Jack so he used that as an advantage and finished that stage before the person could even decide what to do next.

In the next stage, Jack froze the entire wheel and used both his wind and ice powers to spin it, much faster than any of his previous attempts. He was done with the wheel in no time and entered his next stage as soon as possible.

Right after entering the stage, he dodged a fireball that had changed direction. None of the attempted attacks harmed him thanks to Kristoff's magic, but they did affect his speed and so did the other natural occurrences like debris flying around which occasionally slit his face or hands or any uncovered body part. But just as he thought to himself that it was all going according to his plan, he heard a huge explosion that definitely didn't sound like a volcanic eruption.

Not able to afford to look around himself, Jack yelled at Manny through the intercom, "Manny, what happened?"

"Fucking Pitch," Manny cursed under his breath as he replied, "He has changed tactics again.  Now that he's seen that he can't harm you, he has instead started aiming for the other two, who are also way ahead of Hans. That explosion just now was to take out -and probably murder- Dash Parr. Thankfully, he dodged the attack but not fast enough. A huge rock hit the back of his head and he's out of the race now. Jack, he's definitely not going to stop. You and Hiccup are bound to be attacked for sure. Be careful."

Cursing Pitch and Hans to death, Jack looked over his shoulder glared at Hans, who glared right back at him. Hiccup, who was flying just a few meters ahead of Hans, caught Jack's eye and a silent agreement was shared between them. Jack looked ahead and continued flying as fast as possible, resisting a smirk as Manny informed him that Hiccup was covering the distance between them really fast. Soon enough, Jack could hear the furious wing flaps of the dragon behind him, which prompted him to let out another burst of wind as he pushed himself ahead. And soon enough, they finished that stage and entered the next and last one.

When he took in his surroundings, Jack was first met with confusion, suspicion, and then finally rage, as he found himself inside a long, dark, jet black tunnel. His only sources of light were his staff, which was glowing dimly, and a faint spot of light at a long distance, which was probably where they had to head over.

Of course Pitch would do this. This is exactly what he did to throw Elsa, the legendary racer of all time, out of the race.

"Jack, I'm pretty sure Pitch has prepped Hans with night vision goggles to help him sneak attacks on both of you. The cameras were probably not ready for this seeing how absolutely nothing is visible on the screens, also probably Pitch's doing. Use every sense of yours for attacks and get out of there as soon as possible."

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