Chapter 25

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"Congratulations Jack Frost," Pitch sneered, all of his fake politeness nowhere to be seen.

"Thanks," Jack stated, his friends right behind him and Elsa holding his hand tightly. "Nice injury you've got there. Is your jaw alright?" He asked with a nasty smirk of his own.

Pitch's scowl deepened, eyebrow twitching in annoyance as he hissed, "How dare you talk to me that way, you little-!"

"You know what," Jack cut in, "how about you explain how you got that? I'm sure the world would like to know how the person with the most successful sports agency managed to get such a bad bruise when his own racer looks completely okay."

Pitch continued glaring at Jack and then suddenly smirked. But instead of telling anything he glanced at Jack's side and grinned at Elsa. "Its been quite a while since I last saw you, my honey," He spoke with a sugary sweet voice, eyes glinting evilly as he continued, "I see you're trying to ride Frost's coattails now since your own attempts resulted in failure."

"What did you just say?!" Jack stepped forward with his staff glowing in his hands but was stopped by Bunny's grasp on his shoulder and Elsa's grip tightening around his hand. Behind him, he could hear Kristoff and Merida struggle to hold Anna back but his focus was entirely centered on Pitch in front of him.

"The truth, Mr. Frost," Pitch smiled, taking pleasure in riling them up. "I gotta say, I'm impressed that she even had the courage to show her face in public again, after failing so amazingly. On top of that, she even broke into my house! I'm pretty sure she could be jailed for that!"

Jack lunged forward and grabbed Pitch by his collar, his other hand clenched and ready to throw a punch as his eyes widened in rage. The only reason he couldn't land the punch was Elsa and Bunny's interference. The latter locked his strong arms around Jack's waist and shoulder while Elsa grabbed his hand and pulled him back.

For Pitch's luck, his own lackeys pulled him out of Jack's grasp and surrounded him protectively. But that didn't stop him from talking. "I gotta say though," He started, eyes raking over her body with a predatory look, "with that body of yours, you don't have to become a racer to gain more fame and money. I'm sure I know a lot of business partners who would pay quite a lot of money to get their hands on that."

"What the fuck did you just say, you bitch?!" Anna roared behind them, held back by her boyfriend, Merida and North. The others tried hard to stay put as well, knowing he was saying stuff to get a reaction out of them and eventually get them into trouble.

"I'm gonna kill him," Jack hissed, trying to get out of Bunny's grasp, "I'm gonna kill him and make sure I enjoy doing it!"

"Jack, you're not the type of person to enjoy killing someone else," Elsa stated, pulling his face by the chin to make sure he saw her when she said, "you're not him."

Jack calmed down a little at that, but his body still remained stiff and tensed.

"By the way," Pitch continued, "Thank you for your concern about my injury, Mr. Frost. But I'm pretty sure your team looks more beaten up than me. Especially that small girl there. Considering how much of a good brother you are, one would think you'd be more concerned about your sister than someone whom you've met just once. Also, I don't see that other guy, the bus driver. My Nightmares had such an amazing time playing with him, you know."

"Shut the fuck up!" Jack hissed, barely holding back. Due to all of his focus directed towards Pitch, he failed to notice Elsa's grip loosening and Bunny tensing behind him.

As if he couldn't see Jack's rage right in front of him, Pitch leaned forward and whispered, "Would you like to know just how much I enjoyed every time your sister screamed?"

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