Chapter 3

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"This- Is- Not- FAIR!!" Jack huffed, sweat dripping down his forehead and neck as he swept all the broken glass shards. It had been a long time since he did any chores, but a sense of familiarity hit him as he did the work.

After that little incident at the 'meeting', Jack was taken to one of the rooms in the first building where he woke up, which he now realised was actually a hotel, and even his other items were returned. They had explained some rules he had to follow as the prisoner, and he had been threatened that if he tried to escape, he would be caught and be made to do extra work.

And after the instructions were given, he was led to the shop where he had been knocked out i.e. Flynn and his wife, Rapunzel's, bakery. He was told to fix what he had damaged, starting with cleaning the mess he had made.

And of course, along with hard work came all kinds of complaints and wails. He decided that if they're gonna force him to work then he might as well be the biggest pain in the ass. And he didn't even do the work properly. He would just hide some of the glass shards of the broken window either below the furniture or below mats and he would even just randomly throw them away outside the window.

If only those god-damned horses hadn't attacked, I would be in California by now, preparing for my final race!

But then another thought struck Jack: what were those things? They looked like horses, but they seemed to be made of sand, which kept spilling wherever they went. And they even had strands of sand flowing behind them.

Now that I think about it, it doesn't make a lot of sense. What were those things and why would they attack us? Jamie said they were after me, so what the heck did I do? They were not sent by these geezers, right?

Nah, these people don't even know who I am for crying out loud! And look at what they're making me do!!

Jack sighed before collecting glass shards again and dumped them in the dustbin.

"Well, you've done only so much and you already look so done with life." A familiar voice teased him from the doorway of the bakery. Jack rolled his eyes and didn't even bother turning to see him.

"Haha hilarious," He said, picking up the last bits.

"But seriously dude, you suck at chores. When was the last time you did any?" Flynn asked.

"Let's see... About two years?" Jack replied.

"Well, you better get your game back on, 'cause you'll be doing more than just hiding the glass shards." Flynn pointed out.

"Woohoo, lucky me!" Jack rolled his eyes, his voice dripping with sarcasm. 

Just then he heard laughter outside. He looked out of the window and spotted the green-eyed blonde woman, the strawberry-blonde turquoise-eyed woman, and the blonde guy, talking with an older couple.

"So, Flynn, care to introduce your family to me? I'm pretty sure all of them know me." Jack said, nearing the window. Flynn came and stood next to him.

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