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"Yeah, see you later.."

Elsa smiled as she closed the door of the meeting room before releasing a deep sigh. She took slow and tired steps to the elevator and pressed the familiar button, rubbing her face in exhaustion as she bit back another yawn.

Two entire days of resting and doing absolutely nothing STILL didn't rid the fatigue in her bones and no amount of stretching relived the pain in her muscles. She looked at herself in the elevator mirror and noticed her haywire hair and the bags under her eyes.

She had tried to make herself as presentable as possible for the meeting between her Ice Rink family and the Guardians; but seeing Anna and Rapunzel come to accompany her to the meeting room looking like recently-risen zombies dampened Elsa's determination as well. She thought she looked pretty decent when she had left her room in the morning but now that she actually took a closer look, she looked like she had pulled several all nighters at work without a wink of sleep.

Sighing, she stepped out of the elevator and opened the door of her room.

Inside, lying on the bed and staring at the ceiling was Jack Frost, the most beloved Race of Rapidity racer of all time aka her boyfriend of the past two days. He turned his head towards her and gave a tired smile, opening his arms wide for her while not rising from the bed.

Elsa dropped into his embrace, humming in approval as he wrapped his arms around her. She buried her nose in his neck and threw her leg over him, sighing in content as her body finally relaxed.

"How did it go?" Jack mumbled, busy nuzzling into her hair.

"Mmhm, nothing special." She settled her head a little away from him so that she could talk comfortably, "North announced that everyone from the Guardians will be back to work from tomorrow except Tooth and Sandy who will be helping us out here. Bunny and North will be busy with running the company so they'll only be coming here during the nights and then leaving for work as usual.

"And both North and Manny decided that it would be better that those of us from the rink who came and helped here should stay for at least a week more, until we're completely rid of the aftereffects of overusing our quirks."

"So you'll be here for a week more?" Jack grinned, rolling and partially lying on her before nuzzling into her neck, "Nice."

"Not so fast, Frost," Elsa chuckled, leaning away so that she could look at him as she said, "You were repeatedly healed by Punzie during the race so you'll be recovering way faster than all of us. So you're gonna be attending interviews regarding the race in two days time."

"Oh come on," Jack whined, shuffling closer as he pinned her under him with his weight, "I wanna cuddle with you for at least a month!"

"Yeah, sorry to inform you but you're gonna be busy," she smirked.

Jack just grumbled and remained silent after, both of them basking in the silence and in each other's presence.

"So how's Emma?" She asked, gently and slowly weaving her hands through his hair.

Jack hummed and settled more comfortably before answering, "She's recovering well and we spoke the whole morning. I apologized properly and she forgave me for being a douche these past years, and then we just sat and spoke about a few of our memories." His fond smile slowly turned into a pensive line as he continued, "She still is traumatized by everything that happened with Pitch so I told her that I'll ask Sandy to introduce her to a nice therapist. She didn't want to go to therapy at first but she understood that it would be better for her."

"Yeah, that would be for the best," Elsa pressed a kiss on his forehead comfortingly before sighing, "Maybe we all should attend a few sessions. I know Manny and I definitely need a few."

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