chapter 1

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i rushed to the local coffee shop and pinned my information to the pin board. im struggling here and im just trying to prove to my parents that i can be an adult but it is not working out so well. im alexa, or you can call me ale, i am 19 years old and im just trying to prove i can put a life together.

i know i sound pretty pathetic and i am sorry for trying to get out of being in my parents shadow. i get they want the best for me but im not like my older sister i want to prove i can be me and live on my own, which again is not going so well.

and by my paniced motions and description of what i was just doing i am trying to find a roommate i barely made rent this month and i really need some help but im not trying to go to my parents for help because once they get a little taste that i cant do this, well its all over for me they will be up all in my arse the entire time if i dont do anything correctly.

i get into my jeep and drove back to my flat. i have barley been here two months and everything is already going down hill. i have about 100 dollars left in the bank and i also have gas to pay for. my grandparent bought me the jeep so as far as my parents know im making the payments on that, but not really.

you guys are probably thinking that why dont i just ask my grandparents for help or get a job, well im working on the job part and as for the grandparents part i dont want to bother them they already do enough for me and i dont want to worry them about me any longer.

okkk ale breaathe, i take in a deep breath and let it out. so now that i have explained my situation im just going to try to calm down.

so basically on the flyer i put on the pin board i wrote,

HI my name is Alexa or Ale for short, i am in need of a roommate for a small flat. i am 19 years of age and rent is 250 dollars a month, i only need you to pay half. i am a nice and respectful human being and very clean, if you have any interest we could set up a meeting and have an interview. here is my number take one below and give a call. dont worry i dont bite. and my number was attached.

hopefully i get a call soon, i am really struggling here and i just need to try and calm down.


OOKKKAAYYYYY so i know i already have a roommate story up but since that was such a hit at a time where i totally sucked at writing, i am going to write another one since i am slightly better at writing!

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