chapter 5

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quick note: an amazing friend read my stories a few hours back and gave me some tips so hopefully i do the tips correctly and the story comes out better now. so shout out to tori if youre reading this still lol ily girl.


i rolled over in my bed and rubbed my eyes, i blinked a couple of times which help my eyes adjust to the bright light that was emitted from my open shades. i sat up in my large bed and looked around my bedroom very sleeply. i have to start closing the shades, it always bothers me in the mornings. matter of fact i will do that right now. i pulled back my duvet, my short legs dangling off the side of the bed, me jumping down and walking over to the window and having a struggle with closing the blinds. after a good three minutes i gave up. yes i am not very good at doing things myself. if noah is up for it, maybe he will help. 

i walk into my bathroom, the cold tile instantly freezing up my feet. i did my business and brushed my teeth.  i decided to change clothes after a small breakfast. mind you i was just wearing a large t-shirt to bed because of the heat. i walk into the kitchen and grab some fruity pebbles, a bowl, spoon and some milk. i poured in the cereal first, then the milk and pushed the top part of the cereal down into the milk. i put the milk away and sat on my stool. i read the box while eating my breakfast. 

i heard bare feet padding on the floor indicating that noah was up. i didnt look up from my box but when he passed my line of sight i glanced up sneaking in a look. geez that boy is so fine. i saw him grab the milk and a bowl before he turned around to grab a spoon from the drawer, by the way i showed him where everything was before we went to sleep, he sat next to me and sleeply asked "may i have some?" he said rubbing his hazel eyes. 

i didnt say anything because i had a spoon full of cereal in my mouth but i handed him the box. "thank you Ale." uff his morning voice is so nice. i looked next to me watching him pour the cereal, the way his dark blonde hair was all ruffled from an obvious amazing sleep. 

"how did you sleep?" i questioned trying to spark up a conversation as i picked up more cereal. i watched as his jaw clenched as he chewed patiently waiting for my answer. 

"great actually, your place actually feels very homey." he stated making eye contact with my light brown eyes. i gave him a sly smile before looking at my semi empty cereal bowl already having the full feeling in my stomach. i dont eat that much, is that weird? i dont know i never have.  

"well i am going to go get cleaned up and go to work." i slid off my chair and walked over to the sink dumping out the rest of my cereal out, well mostly milk. i washed my dishes and put them in their places . before leaving the kitchen i quickly added "can you put the box back in the cup board please." he nodded having his full attention to the box like i had before he had came in. 

for my job i just have to look casual. so i picked out some shorts and a thin grey tshirt with some grey slip on vans. i quickly took a shower and shaved my legs making sure there was no hair. i got out and dried my body before putting my clothes on. i walked around my room a bit while towel drying my hair and then put a little bit of makeup on. i went ahead and dutch braided my hair and grabbed my purse and my phone. 

i had about an hour to spare so i went into the living room and watched gossip girl on the tv. in my opinion chuck and blair gotta stop with their games and just be with each other already. noah walked out and asked me a question "do you mind if i have a friend come over?" 

"no i dont mind just make sure they clean up any mess they make." i stated with my eyes glued to the television. blair finally told chuck she loves him and all he said was "thats too bad" ugh whyyyyyyy!!!!!

~~~~ work ~~~

so basically my job is folding clothes and asking people if they are finding everything okay and giving them a large bag if they look like they have a lot of stuff. i mean its easy but its very boring and i have to do hours of this every week. 

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