chapter 14

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~3 days later~

sitting on my bed, i took a deep breath in and let it out. the sun shone through the piece of cloth that was never replaced with shades. i just got off of work and to be completely honest with you its very boring with noah gone. even though we havent talked for most of the time he was here, its still boring.

my parents and lilly went back to london yesterday, which i am so great full for because i could not breathe with them here. you are probably thinking invite emily over or something, but they moved out last month and decided to move across town. so im pretty much alone here now. 

i decided to treat myself to some lunch since im hungry. i drove down to the local cafe where i had pinned my roommate flier. i got out of my vehicle and entered the shop. i waited inline and while i did so i scrolled through instagram and came across a photo of noah and dez. they look so happy, it was captioned "through the dark you shall see the light." noah was very sentimental and deep. its another thing that caught my attention with him. 

"next." i hear the teller call out. i walked to him "hello what can i get you for today?"

"can i grab a turkey wrap with extra avocado please?" i ordered.

"would you like anything else with that?" he questioned putting in my order.

"yes can i also get a caramel iced coffee?" he added that to my order and then told me the price. i handed him my money and grabbed my change. i left a tip in the little box and sat down to wait for my order.

i decided to scroll through instagram again and like a few pictures. about 10 minutes passed and my name was called for me to grab my food and drink. i decided to get my food to go and head back to my flat.

i sat in the kitchen and ate my lunch. i sipped at my coffee after i finished and i decided to clean up a bit. i started by sweeping which then followed by me moping and vacuuming the living room. i then went to my room and started some laundry. 

wow, i really have nothing to do except clean. i put away the vacuum and dumped the bucket of cleaner. i put the mop in the corner of the kitchen to dry off. 

~next day~ 

i was folding clothing in the store when the bell chimed. "hi welcome" i said smiling and turning around to face who ever had came into the store. great Dez.

"oh my gosh hi lexi!" she fakely stated. my manager was at the front to witness this. "can you help me find the most perfect outfit for mine and noahs date tonight?" she said giving me a full body check. "on second thought i might not need your help with you dressed like that."

i bit the inside of my cheek to keep me from saying anything that could possibly get me written up. "actually we have a great section for special events, if you would follow me i can set you up with a very flattering outfit that im sure noah would love." i smiled.

"actually can i see the manager i fell i like she will be more helpfull than you." she pursed her lips and put a hand on her hip. 

"yes of course i will go ahead and call her now." i pressed onto the microphone attached to my ear piece and called for my manager.

"yes alexa, whats the problem here?" she walked over to us. 

"dez would love to have your help rather than mine because it is more valueable." i said motioning towards the tall blonde infront of me.

"well dez, im very busy right now but, alexa is a trained stylist for this matter and she will assist to you." 

all dez did was roll her eyes. "i think i rather shop somewhere else where i can get someone who dresses better than a dumpster." and with that she walked out.

"she really doesnt like you does she?" Leslie asked. 

"nope and i cant exactly figure out why, so far i know because of my height and that i dress bad." i shrugged as a i went back to work.

"you dont dress bad, she just needs to take it down a couple notches she thinks shes on cloud 9, dont worry about it." leslie reasured me.

i nodded my head and finished up the last of my work before heading to the back to clock out.

i grabbed my purse and started to check my phone.

i noticed i had a couple missed calls from my mother which i know i wasnt going to return, and two texts messages.

from noah- can we meet up for coffee?

from lilly- grandmother is in the hospital. call me.

i did as directed from lilly and called her.

"why is grandmother in the hospital?" i pressed as soon as she picked up.

"mother was interagating her about the check she sent this month, and grandma couldnt take the stress." lilly said into the phone almost in a whisper. my mother doesnt know about the checks my grandmother sends me to pay for my phone and rent. 

"why are you whispering?" i asked "and mother needs to chill out."

"because shes in the next room over i dont want her hearing me... lillian..." i heard my mother call from the backround. "i will text you if grandmother gets better, we also found out that she is in poor health, i dont think this will end well. bye alexa i love you." she didnt give me a chance to reply before hanging up. 

i ran my hand trough my hair and sighed. of course mother would stress her out to the point of dieing. i opened my car door and jumped in. before i started the engine i opened noahs text. my fingers hovered over the keyboard before replying.

to noah- sorry cant work has me busy.

i locked my phone and put it in my cupholder. i started the vehicle and i fall apart came booming through the speakers of the car. wow how perfect. i pulled out of the parking spot and began to drive back home. 


okay so how did you guys like the little scene for her work, i thought it would be dumb to put it in but hey drama right?

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