chapter 20

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placing the watch the card told me to get onto my wrist i secured it and looked in the mirror. my attire wasnt super fancy but made me look presentable. i had to grab a black button down shirt black pants and black shoes. they had me pick out any kind of white bow tie and an all white watch. 

personally i think i look good, not trying to sound conceeded or anything. 

honestly last night while ice skating i wanted to tell alexa how i truly felt about her. seeing her just gave me a feeling that i have never had with any girl i have been with or dated. but i am setting my fate in this stupid game ethan told me about after dez and i broke up. 

not going to lie, ethan is a good guy but i just didnt want him to hurt alexa. which after she left he came to me about blake being pregnant.

which i helped him through alot because he was going to leave her but he has to be there for their baby.

but anyways it was getting close to the time that i had to head over to meet my match. 

i grabbed my gift for her and walked out. i grabbed this one neckless that ale has always wanted, i know i know why get something that some one else wanted if there is a huge chance they arent going to be it.

well just in case i put the box in my pocket so if its not her i will say its back at the hotel. 

yes a very bad thing to do but i dont care.

as i was getting closer i heard the large crowds yelling the countdown. as i got closer the numbers got lower. 

i turned the corner and continued down the street. 


"ethan?" i was so confused how could i be a match with ethan.

"hey, i didnt know you were back in town." he greeted. he looked a bit passed me " hey bud!" i turned around confused and saw noah walking towards me. 

he was in a matching black and white attire. he smiled when he saw me and i didnt feel my legs moving but next thing i knew i was in his arms while people counted down 

"4! 3! 2! 1! happy new year!!!!!" 

noah crashed his lips against mine while hugging me tighter. my heart felt like it was fluttering, like one of the scenes in the romance movies. 

all the butterflies i felt in my stomach were gone and i was so happy.

we pulled apart and he set me down. finially i wasnt so small compaired to him and i was just so happy it was him. i was crying, but in a good way.

"ayye man!" noah greeted ethan. i saw blake by his side. 

"oh my gosh blake!" i walked over to her and hugged her.

noah and ethan had their own conversations while i chatted with blake.

"oh my gosh is that a baby bump?" i smiled. she nodded her head with a giant grin on her face. 

"yeah i am found out i was pregnant when you left, in about a month i will find out the gender of the baby." she pulled her slick back pony over her shoulder. 

"do you have any ideas for names?" i asked. 

"actually yeah, if its a girl she will be named shelby marie, and for a boy Miles ryan. which he actually picked out. the middle names are his parents names and the first names are mine."  she explained.

"those names are beautiful blake. so how have you guys been?" i went on asking questions.

"we have been very good but i am so sorry to interrupt but, i am actually pretty tired i only came down with ethan because he wanted to but i dont know if its because i am pregnant or what but i am so tired." she laughed. 

"okay we will see you guys later congraulations." i waved them off.

noah and i turned to each other and i just smiled.

"i cant believe it." he smiled down at me shaking his head. 

"neither can i." i agreed. "so where do you want to go now?" i asked.

"well its pretty cold i was thinking coffee shop?" i nodded my head making sure i had the bag that has his gift in it. 


once we got to the coffee shop he ordered us coffee while i saved a seat. it was very busy here, i mean it is new years everyone is out right now.

he came back with the coffees and sat in front of me.

"so um here." i passed him the bag "it said to get a gift and i just grabbed something small." 

he opened his and smiled really big. "its my favorite." he then laughed a bit "you were going to give a guy my favorite cologne" 

"oh quiet." i shook my head laughing. 

"oh wait here." he dug in his pocket and pulled out a red velvet box. 

i opened it and gasped. "i have been wanting this forever." i pulled out the danty neckless. its just a small diamond. i thought it was beautiful but i never got it because it was so expensive. 

"i was going to give it to you either way." he came around and placed it around my neck. 

"what do you mean?" i furrowed my eyebrows.

"if it wasnt you i was going to say i forgot it and later when i saw you i would give it to you, so either way i was going to give it to you." he explained.

"i love it so much." tears started to welt in my eyes. 

"do you want to go home?" he asked.

"yeah, that sounds great honestly, i have everything i need." we stood up and walked outside. we called an uber and went home.


when we got home we talked for a while.

"being completely honest i wanted to just tell you how i felt when we were skating yesterday." he explained. "you make me feel a different type of way ale." 

"funny enough i was going to do the same but at breakfast. i had so much fate put into this, if someone asked i would sound crazy."

we talked endlessly and finially established that we were a couple.

it was finally time for me to date again, and i am going to sound so crazy but i feel like louis sent him to me. because if you think about it, noah was the only one who called when every single tab of my flyer was taken. 

i was supposed to meet noah, but i will alway love louis. some day i will love noah like i did louis. and i just can not wait for that day to come. 

i am excited for everything ahead and the happiness he will bring.

i have called my mum to tell her about noah and i after he fell asleep. she wasnt disapointed in me for once, even though she didnt really like noah at first. she has told me to bring him to london when i come back to get the feel of the place before i decide to come back here for good.

i feel myself getting happy, i decide to go to bed and sleep.

breathing in noahs scent i fell asleep instantly.


okaaaaayyyy so this is the end, thank you all so much for reading. i feel like i didnt do a very good job on this story. and i am very very sorry. but anyways thats all!!! ily all!!!

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