chapter 9

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 i texted emily that i would go bring her breakfast in the morning because i had forgotten about our meet up and it has gotten late and i was really in need of sleep. 

~ next morning ~ 

i walked over to emily and zachs house with a mini fruit platter. i rung the door bell and emily answered. she greeted me and welcomed me in.

"so what did you need to talk to me about?" she asked as she led me into her kitchen.

"okay i am going to try to make this short and sweet." i stated picking up a strawberry and popping it into my mouth.

"like you." emily joked eating a grape.

"ha ha very funny. but no so i told noah about the bread boy i met his name is ethan, and i had invited him to dez's fourth of july party and he got mad at me. and i dont know why. thats why i texted if you would come so i wont be alone with ethan. i want someone there if something happens. and when we were out at lunch he said he was going to dez's and i dont know if he said that to get me mad but it sure did shut me up until we left." i spit out to emily. she ate a piece of banana and opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out.

"sweet heart i really dont know. all i know is tomorrow night look hot." she laughed. i shook my head and laughed. 

"why?" i laughed and ate a piece of cantalope. 

"because if he gets jealous that dez girl will see." she said in a duh tone.

"and why should that matter." 

"because when you called me the day she was there she seemed horribly jealous that you were there." i nodded my head looking back to that day. we had a long conversation about it and i realized i had work in an hour.

"okay true but hey i have to work at 1 ill catch you tomorrow." i said checking the time on my phone seeing it was now 12. i went over to my flat. i walked passed noahs room and noticed it was empty. i wasnt snooping, dont worry.

~ after work (im skipping her work parts until i have something interesting to put in there) ~

i got home and it was very lonely. i got very used to noah being here and now i miss him. its now about 7 so i was very hungry. i decided to make egg whites and potatoes. i cooked them which took a very short time to cook. since i had the tv to myself i decided to watch gossip girl. now the french girl is in the picture. like no you gotta go. after i was done eating i chose to watch one more episode of gossip girl and then get ready for bed. 

i got a text from noah which was the address to dez's place which i forwarded it to ethan. i feel like i was the reason as to why noah is at dez's right now. i groaned out loud knowing no one would hear. the episode was over so i went around the flat making sure all the doors and windows were locked before proceeding to my room. i had gotten a text from emily asking if she could come over because she hated being home alone. i quickly texted back agreeing and she was over in an instant. 

"i am going to shower real quick i have work early in the morning so i dont have to work late." i told emily. i got into my bathroom with the clothes i was going to wear for bed. i started my shower and i started to shampoo my hair. i scrubbed my head and rinsed. i then picked up my conditioner and focused it on my ends and tieing my hair into a bun. i washed my body and shaved all the unwanted hair off of my body. i took my long hair out of the bun and rinsed my hair and body. i got out of the shower and dried my body. i washed my face and brushed my teeth. i then got dressed and headed out of my bathroom throwing my dirty clothes into the hamper, which reminds me i should do laundry soon. i brushed out my hair and emily offered to fish tail my hair. 

we talked for a while. i showed her the outfit i was wearing tomorrow night which was the top and white ripped high waisted pants and plain black sandals. 

we decided to sleep around 1:25. 

~next day (after work) ~

i had gotten home from work and emily was still here. she had ordered chinese food for us to eat for lunch which was so good. i also had let ethan know that emily was tagging along with us. i decided to take a shower to be fresh and clean. we were going to leave at 6:30 and it was currently 3. 

i got out and put on a huge t shirt to get ready in. emily had offered to do my makeup since i didnt know how to do eye shadow or foundation. i only knew how to do brows eyeliner mascara and lips, thats all i was ever taught. 

so after i was done with my shower she let me fill in my brows. she added a light brown shadow and then a darker brown to my outter v. she explained each step to me. then she added a matte white shade to the first half of my eye mimicking a half cut crease, she added a bit of eyeliner and let me finish it off with my mascara. she then moved onto doing my foundation. since she was pretty much my skin tone she used her foundation. she added a lighter color conceler to brighten my under eyes. she powdered my face and added bronzer, blush and highlight to the tops of my cheeks, inner corners, brow bone  and bridge of my nose.

i used my favorite lipgloss to top off my already pigmented lips to make them look a bit more full. she moved on to do her makeup.

"thank you it looks amazing." i gawked at myself in the mirror. i looked very beautiful. i was proud of how well my makeup turned out.

"thank you" she said very happy with her work. i moved onto drying what was left to dry my hair. i straightened my curly roots and then proceeded to curl the rest of my hair. i put my hair into a half up half down which framed my face nicely. emily chose to do a slick back pony tail that was straightened. i changed into my outfit and she went acrossed to her flat to change. i dont know why but i was so nervous.

i walked over to where i had my perfumes and i sprayed a random one. emily came walking back into my room. she was wearing a black off the shoulder top with light denim pants and thigh high boots.

"you know i wish i could pull those things off but my legs are just too short." i shook my head laughing. 

"they make shorter ones, i could get you some?" she offered.

"no no its okay we can go together and ill get them." i waved my hands in protest. it was now 6. not bad it took us 3 hours to get ready. we decided to go ahead a snack on something so we dont starve at the party. i wonder if there is going to be food there. i brushed off my thought and had a conversation with emily while snacking and waiting for ethan.


okok so this was really short but next chapter is going to be of the party, i dont know if it should be in noahs pov or alexas pov what do you think?

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