Ch. 11

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The fourth of july was amazing. the party was getting boring so emily and i decided to head back to my flat. trying to be a good person i walked up to Dez and thanked her for having me over.

"don't flatter yourself i didnt want you here anyways." she harshly stated and went back to conversating with her friends, with her statement her friends busted out laughing. it wasnt that funny, heck it wasnt funny at all. i just shook my head and walked out of the house with emily. we waited out in the front yard waiting for our uber. i shot ethan a text.

to ethan: hey we just ordered an uber heading home, i would love to try and hang out some other time 

he didnt reply back right away. i wasnt too worried because it was about 2 in the morning. the uber had arrived and we got in. the uber guy was really cool, he made light conversation with us and told us an interesting story about how his sister came to america from russia and gained citizenship. i know its weird but we got on that topic from how i was able to purchase a house from being from london. i explained how i studied back home and right when i came here i took the citizen ship test and was able to get it.

we arrived at my flat, i made sure to rate him 5 stars and give him a tip. im just a nice person. emily and i parted ways and said goodnight. zach was back home im guessing and i went into my flat. i took a shower to just rinse off. i got out and washed all the makeup off my face and dressed into pajamas. i wasnt super tired so i just plugged in my head phones and listened to music. i decided to check my messages and i saw that ethan just left me on read. 

i sighed and figured that he thinks im just using him or something. im not. i scrolled through instagram and liked pictures. i miss my friends from london. they look so happy. i decided to post the pictures emily and i took tonight and tagged her. a texted rolled in from noah.

from noah- not coming home, staying at dez's again.

to noah- okay

i dont understand why he tells me im not his mother. i rolled my eyes and locked my phone. i unplugged my headphones and plugged my phone to charge. i pulled my duvet over my shoulders and fells asleep. 

~next morning~

i woke up from loud laughter. i peeled my duvet back. i did my business in my bathroom and walked out of my room rubbing my eyes. i walked down the hall and entered the kitchen. there sat dez and her friends with noah. 

"morning lexi." dez said in a mocking voice.

"ew dont call me that." i said with a discussed voice.

i walked over to the cabinet and looked for the bagels that i had just purchased a day ago. they where no where to be found. 

"hey noah wheres the bagels?" i asked.

"oh blake, ash and i ate them." dez smiled "they were really good." 

wow okay looks like im going out for breakfast. i didnt say anything, i just left the kitchen. i slipped on some shorts and a tshirt along with sandals, grabbed my purse and keys. i walked out the front door and drove to the bread shop. 

i got out and walked into the shop. i saw ethan was working.

"hey ethan." i smiled walking up to the counter.

"oh hey alexa." he said in a weird tone. "what can i get for you?"

oh maybe a text back i thought. "can i get a bagel with avocado and cherry tomatoes." i ordered. if he wants to act like we only know each others names then ill do the same. 

"that will be 3.78" he said, i handed him a 5 and grabbed my change. i walked over to a table and sat down. i played woody puzzle for time to pass while i waited. he called out that my bagel was ready and asked if i wanted it boxed. i replied with a simple "yea" i grabbed it and went to my jeep. i sighed before turning the engine on and driving away. 

i got back to my flat and the girls car was still here. i dont get why they are even here. i entered my flat and went straight to my room not wanting to deal with the girls.  i ate my bagel and started a new season of gossip girl. after a few minutes i heard a knock at my bedroom door. confused i got up and opened my door. it was one of dez's friends. 

"hey can i talk to you?" she politely asked. i didnt say anything all i did was open my door a little more. she noticed what i had on my tv and commented "i love gossip girl." 

"me too ive been obsessed ever since i got here. i have been binge watching every chance i get." i simply replied.

"i just wanted to apologize about dez and eating your bagels i didnt know they were yours." she said.

"its fine its just food and you cant apologize for a rude person." i shook my head.

"i just also want to say sorry for laughing last night, it was really screwed up of me." she kept apologizing for things and i just waved it off and told her it was fine.

we kept talking and started to bond. i didnt even get her name. "whats your name by the way?" all i know is shes either ash, or blake.

"my names blake." 

"well its really nice to meet you blake."

"you too" she smiled. dez came to the door and said it was time for them to leave.

~blakes pov~

i said bye to alexa, she is so much different than how dez described her.

"you know shes actually nice if you just give her-" dez cut me off 

"she has no reason to be talking to MY Noah, she just needs to go back to france or where ever shes from." she rolled her eyes while stopping at a light.

"well im going to invite her out the next time we go somewhere." i demanded "she deserves a chance." i looked back to ashley.

"yea im up for it." ashley nodded "plus shes gorgeous." 

"ugh enough about her, she makes me sick." dez said.

i just sat back in my seat waiting for her to drop my sister and i off at home.


i know its been a while but i have finally graduated and now im on summer vacation and cant wait to keep writing.

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