chapter 18

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*authors note*

i think i am going to end this story soon because i dont really have motivation to continue this story. i am having a hard time coming up with ideas and when i do its coming into a much different story line and wont match up. but i will continue "the boy" after i finish this story. i actually think this chapter will be a two parter and jump into the new years special. i am very sorry for giving up on this story.


i am currently on the plane flying back. its been a couple months since i spoke with my friends. 

with 1 hour left of my flight i decide to nap. i asked the very nice lady next to me to wake me when we are about to land so i can fix my area.


walking through the airport to my baggage claim i wait for my bag. while i do so i am texting emily, she said she is in the starbucks down stairs from me. i asked her to grab me a coffee since i am super tired. it is 8 pm and i need some energy. 

grabbing my luggage from the rotator, i proceeded to go to the escalators. excited to see my friend my heart was pounding. 

she was waiting at the exit with two coffees. 

"EM!!!!" i excitedly yelled running up to her engufling her in a hug. 

"oh my gosh, i have missed you so much" she was careful not to spill the coffees.

"i feel like crying i have missed you so much we barley have talked." i smiled taking my coffee and taking a sip.

we began to conversate and walk to the parking garage where zach had parked the car.

"so how exactly does this scavenger thing work?" i pressed trying to get more insight to what was planned for two days from now. 

"so basically what you have filled out was put into a generator that has picked your compatable person, you both have similar things to find. whether you picked into males or females they set you guys up to going to get your hair done, outfit picked out, what to grab each other for a gift when you meet, which gives you clues to who your person is, also the exact place to where you guys meet. everything is timed perfectly to where you guys show up at the exact same time and also where you guys avoid running into each other in town while on your hunt." she explained and went on to filling me in "i actually know who you are paired up with, but sadly i cant tell you im sorry so dont try to get it out of me."


we arrived to where noah and i used to live since i had told them to take me since i agreed to stay there when i visited.

i watched as noah walked out of the flat and i instantly got excited.

"NOAH!" i ran up to him and jumped onto him. with me being very small i was easily caught into his grasp.

"Ale, i cant believe youre actually here." he squeezed me. 

"me either." he set me down on the ground and grabbed my bag from emily. "ill see you guys on friday night." i waved to them bye while i walked into the flat with noah.

noah and i have been calling every chance we had gotten. him and dez broke up and honestly i am so happy about it. i never asked him if he had entered into the scavenger hunt or not, it never really came up. part of me has been wanting to drop out of it and tell noah exactly how i feel. 

but me being me im way too chicken to do that, so i am doing what i think is right and letting the universe pick to i am with. 

"well since you no longer have a bed here, you can take mine and i will have the couch." noah stated while going to the computer to order us a pizza.

"its okay im smaller i can take the couch." i disagreed shaking my head.

"you sure?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

"yeah totally."

"alright if you insist. but the pizza will be here in about 25 minutes, do you want to shower or anything?" i nodded my head grabbing a change of clothes and my toiletries. 

i proceeded to my old room to take my shower. i smiled to myself seeing my old sheet still covering my window. i turned on the shower and got in. 

i shaved even though it was slightly cold here, washed my body and hair. 

i turned off my shower and pulled back the curtain. i looked around my bathroom, i forgot to grab a towel. i pressed my lips together thinking. the cabinet that holds the towels is to the right of mine and the left of noahs room. i peaked out of my door to try and see if noah was in his room or in the living room. which he was in his room. 

i snuck out of my room and quickly ran to the very end of the hall to grab a towel. 

i tied one around me and turned around. 

"AH!" i squeeled. 

"you couldve just told me you needed one you know." noah laughed standing at his door. 

"u-uh did you um see-"

"no dont worry." he cut me off.  "the pizza guy should be here soon go get dressed." he nodded to my room. 

i nodded my head walking back to my old room not making eye contact with noah.


i was covered up on the couch staring at the sealing. i sat up and ran my fingers through my curly hair. i played with the very bottoms of my hair that touched my thigh. wow i need a hair cut. i sighed and uncovered myself. 

i slowly walked down the hall way and peaked into noahs room. the light of the moon was shining through the window to his sleeping face. something woke him up and he saw me standing at his door way. 

"come in" he granted me access to his room. 

i went and sat on his bed. "you okay?" he sat up.

"yeah im fine." i played with my sock on my foot.

"then why are you up at.." he looked at his clock ".. 3:30?" 

"i just cant sleep." i shrugged.

he pulled back his covers at the top of where i was sitting at the end of his bed. 

"come and sleep." he tapped the empty space on his bed. 

i crawled up to the area and got under the covers. he layed back down. we faced each other, "i want to come back." i looked into his eyes. "i miss you guys so much." my eyes started to tear up. 

he pulled me into his chest and tried to relax me, which it worked.

i slowly became tired and fell asleep in his arms.

gosh i really like this guy.


okok i know i know this chapter was super short, probably thinking how the heck am i going to make it a two parter.... wellll while writing this i am probably gonna make it a three parter. or something like that.

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