chapter 6

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i sat in my bed with a slice of pizza in my hand. i was watching gossip girl.. again. i heard a bit of bickering back and forth before a door slamming, which made me jump from my comfortable position on my bed. i placed my pizza on the plate before pulling back my duvet and proceeding to my door. i slowly twisted my door handle and peaked my head out. down the hall by the chair i saw noah with his back turned to me. 

i walked out of my room slowly making my way down the small hallway. i stopped at the very end of the hall, which led me to be about a foot away from Noah. "are you alright?" 

Noah didnt answer, all he did was shook his head. 

"do you want me to let you be?" i questioned. 

the silence made me think yes. i turned on my feet and started to walk away. "you dont have to leave." he stated. i stopped and took a deep breath in and letting it out. i turned to face noah noticing he turned around and was leaning on the chair. his face was beat red indicating that he was very angry.

" may i ask what happened?" i proceeded breaking the short silence. 

he shook his head once again. i looked down at my bare feet. "would you like some water?" 

"yes please." he quietly replied.

i nodded my head and went into the kitchen. i grabbed a glass and poured some water into it. i walked back into the living room. i handed him the water. "thank you." he spoke. i just nodded what ever just happened was really bad im guessing. i sat on the couch and he followed to sit next to me.

its about 10:30 right now, "she kept saying stuff about you, i know i have barley known you for a few days but you have been so respectful i didnt want that going on in your home." he rubbed the back of his neck. 

i put my head down staring at my knees. "its alright, and thank you for defending me." i smiled. 

he nudged me and put his arm around me. "anything for you." 

i playfully pushed him away and stood up. i went to walk away but he had yanked my arm for me to turn around, me being very clumsy i felt onto him. "woah, im sorry." i said pushing my self up off of him. 

"its alright, and i was wondering if tomorrow we could go to the cafe tomorrow for lunch?" he asked as i was standing up. he stood up his height instantly towering mine. 

"uh um yeah." i stuttered trying to form a sentence but failing badly. "i-im going to bed." i had no work tomorrow which i am actually happy about because then i can sleep in. i walked away tucking a few strands of hair behind me hear and quietly sighing. 

~~~~ the next morning~~~~

i ended up waking up fairly early i noticed that there was no more bagels so i decided to run to the bread shop in town. i was still in my pajamas so i just slipped on a pair of sandals, grabbed my purse and key and departed from my home.

once i got to the bakery i made up my mind on grabbing a couple muffins as well. i went up to the bread boy and made small conversation before heading to the check out. he is a flirty type of guy, and very charming. 

"may i get your number?" he asked as he rung up my 5 bagels and 3 muffins. 

"uh sure." i had blushed. yes hes cute, but he is no noah. he is very short compaired to him, maybe 5 foot 8. he has dark brown almost black hair, and sky blue eyes. what is such a cute boy working at a bread shop?

i wrote my number down. "im alexa by the way." i stated handing him the now written on napkin.

"Ethan." he smirked as he handed me the bag full of the items i had just purchased. i had walked out of the bread shop and drove back to my flat. should i mention my encounterment with noah? maybe just a bit of detail. 


sooooo i know this chapter is very short compaired to the other one i had previously written but thats okay because the next few chapters will hopefully be long.

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