Chapter 13

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~2 months later~

Noah and I are finally talking again, we agreed for him to not bring dez over to the flat anymore so im really happy about that and i told him what happend with ethan and i also talked to blake about it, which she was actually really understanding. both noah and ethan made it official with blake and dez so thats cool i guess.

at the moment my family is visiting me. currently my mom is going on and on about how having a male roommate is toxic and not right. 

"mother he has a girlfriend, nothing is going to happen!" i yelled. she looked taken aback by my sudden burst.

"dont you ever yell at me again!" she raised her voice at me "harold we need to leave, clearly america is getting to her head, lillian are you coming?" she only calles lilly lillian when i get introuble or in "fancy" situations. 

"n-no mom im going to visit with Alexandress." lilly whyyyyyy. how simple is it to call me alexa? no effort at all al-ex-a. im sure my mother named me that to have me killed. 

"alright lillian we will meet at Carens for dinner." she looked at me "Alexandress,dress nice." i rolled my eyes after my parents left.

lilly and i turned around to walk to my room and saw noah standing in his door way with his arms crossed and a giant grin on his face "Alexandress?" 

"shut up Noah." i said as i walked into my room. he put up his arms in surrender.

"hey its not me.... Alexandress." he quickly shut his door before i was able to hit him or anything. 


lilly and i spent the last few hours catching up, she has been away at uni for the past four years and i barley got to see her. mother would never let me go visit, she would always say that i need to focus on my own studies. when i had a 4.0 but the only difference was that lilly took all advanced course in her high school career. 

it was close to the time for lilly and i to leave so we got ready. i wore a white tube midi dress with a tan trench coat with my hair in its natural curly state with two front pieces twisted back and natural makeup. i bared it with tan  block heals.

lilly wore a black off the shoulder body con dress and black block heals. she wore her hair straight and dressed it up with a statement neckless. for those of you wondering why we have these types of clothes in our clothes or in lillys case suit case, is because our parents expect us to always dress presentable and not "casual".

we meet our parents for dinner and its really fancy. i honestly feel under dressed. 


as usual my mother wouldnt stop going on about my coming home. 

"mother im not going home alright can you just drop it and have us enjoy this dinner so i can just go to my flat and have you guys leave, i know i am a disappointment so just please stop." i said pushing the fried potatoes around.

"im just saying that youre better off-" i cut my mother off

"you know what mother i cant take this anymore, bye." i said scooting my chair out and grabbing my hand bag and leaving. 

i called noah to come pick me up since my parents had ordered us an uber.


noah came and picked me up to go back to the flat. i didnt talk at all, but i obviously thanked him for picking me up. he knew why though, i know he did.

i just want my mom to stop pressing me about moving back.

" dez and i are having problems." he broke the silence.

"what do you mean?" i asked lifting my head off the window. 

"she thinks i should move in with her but  i said no because you need help with rent and all of that." he said glancing at me and back to the road.

"im good now, i have enough for a while." i said twirling my thumbs.

"you sure?" he asked.

"yeah, i dont want to be the reason why you guys keep fighting." 

"well, uh i guess ill let her know." i nodded my head with out saying a word.

we pulled into the drive and walked into the flat. i went to my room and changed into comfy clothing and went to the living room where noah was. 

"so um what now?" i asked as i plaited my hair. 

"i just got off the phone with her and she said i can bring my things over to her when i can." he said then cleared his throat.

"if you need help i can help pack and all of that." i said motioning towards his room.

"yeah um- that would be nice." he got up and i followed him to his room. he pulled the storage tubs he had bought a month ago from his closet. "you can just throw all of my clothes in there." he said opening the tub. 

i did as directed. i packed all of his clothes in the larger one and all of his shoes in the smaller one making sure to stack everything neatly. he took apart his bed and staked the wood panals against the wall.

"where are you going to sleep tonight?" i asked

"i was just going to take the couch." he said now taking his drawers out of his dresser. i just nodded and helped him with his new task. "can you start by taking the tubs out to the truck?" 

"yeah." i grabbed the small tub to take first and then placed it outside by his truck and went back in for the bigger one. i got to thinking, does this mean i wont ever see noah again? i mean why should i worry i have only known him for 3 months. 

i walked back out with the bigger tub and placed that in the truck as well. i didnt know if he wanted to close the back of the truck or not so i did anyways. 

i walked back into the flat and went into his room, he was just standing there, he looked at me " is this right?" 

"what do you mean?" 

"me moving in with dez, is that right."

"i mean she wants you to dont you?"

"i mean yea but do i really want to live with someone i have been dating for a month." he asked.

"i mean you guys have been seeing each other for almost a year anyways." i shrugged 

"thats true. but i dont-"

"hey, you love her right?" it pained me to ask.

"y-yeah." he studdered.

"then youre doing the right thing." i forced a smile.


yall hes moving out! whats gonna happen next can yall guess????

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