chapter 19

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waking up to an empty bed, i sat up. i furrowed my eyebrows and looked around the now lit room from the day light. i slipped out of noahs bed and walked out of his room. i walked into mine and brushed my teeth and did my business.

i brushed out my hair and pulled it into a very messy bun and washed my faced. after doing so i walked to the kitchen where i smelled bacon. my stomach was growling. there stood a shirtless noah focused on the bacon cooking. 

i sat at the island across from the stove and admired him. i could tell he has been working out more due to his back muscles flexing every time he flipped a piece of bacon or made sudden movements. 

he turned around and caught me gawking at his appearance. "like what you see?" he smirked.

"yes that bacon looks so sexy." i joked as he set down a plate in front of me with a sunny side up egg and 4 pieces of bacon. i licked my lips before pocking the yolk and having it cover the entire egg. 

"so i was thinking to taking you to the ice rank today." noah started a conversation before biting into a piece of his bacon. my face lit up to show my excitement.

"oh that sounds lovely!" i smiled nodding my head.

"cool since you were a little sleepy head today and didnt wake up until 10:40 we can go at 1 if you want to." he joke pushing my shoulder to nudge me a bit. 

"hey hey im jet lagged. i need to adjust." i raised my hands in surrender. i turned to face him with the turning chair. "noah..." i paused before to think if i should tell him what i feel. 

"whats up love?" he turned to me. 

"the bacon is really good." i stated as i stole a piece of his. 

"hey you got your own." he pointed and took one of mine and laughed.


we got ready to go to the ice rank, as we got closer the more excited i grew. 

"i used to ice skate with my mum and lilly." i smiled seeing the ice rank come into view. "ekkkk i super excited." i clapped.

"i have never went before." he quickly let out.

i looked at him shocked. "you have got to be bluffing." my jaw dropped. 

he shook his head "nope" he pulled into the car park and we got out. the ground slippery from the ice. 

"you are going to love it." i smiled grabbing his hand and walking with him to the stand to get our skates and pay for entry. 

"hi can i get your sizes?" the friendly lady smiled.

"6 please." i stated 

"11 1/2 please" noah said pulling out his wallete. "how much?" 

"today we are having a couples special for 25.60" she smiled bringing our skates to the desk. noah grabbed 26 dollars out and said to keep the change.

we went to a bench and sat to do up our skates. while tying mine i realized what i done and why the lady mentioned the couples price. i held noahs hand and walked with him like that. i wonder if he noticed. i mean he didnt untangle our hands so he must have been okay with it. 

i shook it off and got up. i helped noah up and we carefully walked to the ice. 

"since you never have done this before hold onto the wall." i instructed. 

"no im okay i have good balance." he denied what i said. 

"okay what ever you say mr. pro skater." i joked.

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