chapter 12

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i walked into the kitchen to find noah eating. 

"so what was that all about hu?" i asked angry. "one you dont tell me youre having them over, but two you give them food that i bought?!" i stated firmly. i crossed my arms over my chest.

"youre cute when youre upset." he smirked taking a bite out of his sandwhich. 

"not a funny moment noah." i rolled my eyes. "does it look like im happy right now." 

"no." he clenched his jaw. "you cant expect me to be okay with a guy lip locking you." 

"excuse me?! are you kidding me. your angry because i attended the party with ethan?" i ran my hands through my curls. "you are with Dez, you decided to call her a friend when youre clearly more than that, you cant get mad at me." 

"youre correct Alexa. we are more than friends." he got up and towered over me. 

"then why hit on me?" i pressed.

"because i thought it would be funny, see you fall for me and then see you scramble after you see me and dez." he stated coldly. not gonna lie that hit me hard.

"well one thing you got wrong is that i will never fall for a person like you." i stated through gritted teeth. i walked out of the kitchen and a tear fell from my eyes. i didnt even realize my eyes were watering. 

that fight was so pointless. i barley know noah, i shouldnt feel like this. he has dez. and i have nobody. 


"because i thought it would be funny, see you fall for me and then see you scramble after you see me and dez." i said the first thing that came to mind, im pissed about her and ethan kissing, i said how i felt in that moment and it came out so cold. i saw tears welt in her beautiful eyes and i knew i screwed up.

i was breathing so hard, she just got under my skin. "well one thing you got wrong is that i will never fall for a person like you." and just like that she walked out. i clenched my fists and thought about going after her. i waited till i heard her door shut. i walked passed her room and into mine.

i changed into work out clothes and decided to go to the gym. i need to blow off steam. i dont get why ethan is still talking to blake if he's trying to be with alexa, she just doesnt understand.

i arrived at the gym and went straight to getting in a good workout.


i had emily come over to talk.

"i was just so upset about dez and why he would do that. yes i got upset over food but who doesnt?" i asked sniffling.

"hun its not your fault." she said whiping my tears.

"as far as i know hes upset that ethan and i are talking." i said tying up my hair to get it out of my face.  

"well i think i know the reason.." she trailed off.

"what is it?"

"you know blake? dez's friend?" i nodded my head for her to keep going "her and ethan have been seeing each other for a while." 

"uggghhh" i threw my body back into my duvet. "of course they are." 

i then thought about how quickly he left the party, and also seeing blake at the party as well. 

i shot straight up "wait a minute." i said putting two and two together. "we need to go to the bread shop." 

we both got up and slipped on a pair of shoes, i raced down to the shop and i entered. 

"ethan we need to talk" i said walking up to the counter.

"uh-okay" he stated confused. "kate im taking 10 minutes for a break"

he walked out with me. "so whos blake to you exactly." 

"we uh- we talk. its like how dez and noah are." he said nervously. 

"exactly what i thought and is that why you never texted back and acted all weird when i came in here."

"look im just not into you like that sorry." he shrugged and walked back into the store. i just stood there stunned. wow. i jumped back into my jeep and sat there a minute with emily. 

"sooooo?" she asked clearly asking what happend.

i put up air quotes with my fingers, "im just not into you like that sorry." 

"you have got to be shitting me." she stated clearly ticked off. 

i just shook my head turning on the vehicle and heading back home. when i turned into the drive noah was still gone.  we got out and emily told me she had some stuff to do so she had to leave, we said out goodbyes and i entered my flat. 

i was getting a little hungry to i decided to grab a sandwhich . i quickly made one and ate it. i walked around the flat trying to figure out how to apologize to noah. 

i heard a door shut and looked to my left to see a very sweaty noah, i bit my lip and looked away. i walked back to my room since i still havent really figured how to say what i need to say.

~2 hours later~ 

i went out of my room to see if noah was in the living room or the kitchen but he was no where to be found. so i settled to knock on his bed room door.

i knocked and i heard a "go away." 

i was going to knock again but i decided against it and just left. when i got to my room i sat in my window seat i sighed and teared up a bit. i blinked away a couple tears and decided to curl up in my bed. i ended up sleeping. 

i ended up waking up in the middle of the night super hungry. i walked out of my room and into the kitchen. part of me was thinking if i should make eggs or pancakes. i decided on pancakes because hey who doesnt like pancakes at 4 in the morning?  i whipped up a couple pancakes really quick, put some peanut butter and syrup on them and began to eat. i heard my phone buzzing and looked at the caller id, it was my father. i have a better relationship with him than my mother but it still sucks.

"hey Father." i spoke into the phone.

"why would you send the tickets back? your mother said you wanted to come home?" he questioned

"i said no but she had sent them anyways." i sighed into the phone. 

"can you just consider it Alexa?" he questioned.

"ill think about it." i rubbed my forehead.

"alright get some sleep its late over there." he said into the phone.

"okay father."

"goodnight love you."

"love you too."  i hung up the phone.

i finished up my pancakes and placed my plate into the sink. i walked back into my room and fell back asleep.


i think the next chapter im going to jump forward like a month or two just to speed things up im sorry!!

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