chapter 3

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i had shown him around my flat, well our flat now, and he was shocked that it was so nice for only 250 dollars i explained that the area wasnt 100% great and he had joked that now i have a protector. i showed him to the second master bedroom and told him he could do whatever he wanted with it other than paint it or i would have to pay a large fee if that had happened.

"would you like help moving your things in?" i asked as he was looking around the room.

"yeah sure thank you." again with he gorgeous smile. i nodded my head and walked with him to his suv. he has a tahoe from chevy. he opended the large end of his truck and handed me 3 smaller boxes and grab two larger ones for him self. i shook my light brown hair out of my face due to the fact my hands were being occupied by the semi heavy boxes Noah had just given to me.

we walked through the flat and into his bedroom. "where would you like me to set this down?" i questioned him slightly out of breath. im not very strong or anything, im very petite and im pretty sure these boxes are a little less than half my weight.

"uh over there?" motioning with this head towards the far corner of the room. "you dont have to help me, they are a little heavy." he chuckled. i put the boxes down and turned towards him and shook my head.

"dont worry about it, i want to help." i smiled. it was summer and it was hot so the more boxes we brought in the more sweaty we both got. i was wearing high waisted shorts and a tank top tucked in, but he on the other hand had black pants and a dark grey shirt. after i went to grab on of the last boxes he came out shirtless. i couldnt help but stare at his body. it wasnt drop dead gorgeous but it was noticeable that he works out and is working on his abs.

"like what you see?" he chuckled booty bumping my hip and i hid my now blushing cheeks. "dont worry i like what i see too." he smirked and started bushing. he looked away and said "ill need some help with the last five boxes they are what my bed used to be."

"o-oh yea if you would like i could get my neighbor Zach to help he had helped me when i moved in." i stammered looking at zachs house.

"yeah that would be great! if you could grab him after you come out that would be great." he nodded his head.

i nodded my head and quickly ran inside with the box in my hands, sat it down then went to Zach's house. i knocked on the door and his girlfriend answered. "hey ale whats up?"

"Emily, can i grab zach really quick? Noah my new roommate needs help bringing his bed inside." i questioned. she called zach out and came out with him. Emily was about 5'4 and she is stunning. she is what males say is slim thick. she has the perfect curves in all the right places. and i am completely jealous of her but for the time i have been here she is a great friend. i went into the kitchen with her to make the boys and us some lemonade. as they walked through my flat you can here them banter about "be careful of the walls" "wait watch out there the door." "turn here" and a couple grunts here and there showing that they were struggling a bit.

i had a small conversation with emily and it was mainly about me having a male roommate.

"if you have any trouble with him you need to run over here you get me?" she told me sternly. emily is 23 years old and zach is 25 so basically they are my older siblings. "especially since he is much bigger than you are." she was patting my head showing the fact im very small.

"yes i know and i will call you over right away if anything is about to come out of hand." i nodded my head.

"okay good, i just need to make sure youre alright." she said giving me a rub on my arm.

i had noticed that they were finished carrying Noahs bed in and i walked into his room, of course knocking before he granted us to go in. him and zach where setting up his frame almost done. im guessing they were setting up as they where bringing things in.

"Em and i have made lemonade." i had given his lemonade to him and emily had given zach his and they both chugged their lemonades. "want some more?" i giggled. the boys both said yes so emily and i had granted their wishes for more lemonade and we all sat and talked while they took things out of boxes and set up the rest of his bed and night stand. after that emily and zach had went back home.

"i had already called my parents so i can grab my dresser since i had no room left. in my truck. would you like to come?" he asked slipping his shirt back on.

"uh.." i started a sentence before he cut me off.

"its about 2 hours away in the next town up. i dont mind going by myself." he quickly added in.

"no i would love to go with you. " i stated as i looked down blushing a bit. how can a guy i just met have an effect on my like this. like not even the last boyfriend i had. "just i am going to take a quick shower before we go i am very sweaty." i walked out of his room across the hall to mine. i shut and locked my door before walking into my bathroom. i turned on the shower and took about 15 minutes washing my hair and body and of course jamming out to some music and some what singing to them as well. i shaved my legs because i seem to have some prickles on them and got out.

i dried my body and put on some undergarments. i picked out some flowy high waisted black shorts and a white cropped top. i slipped on some black flip flops (NOTE!for the rest of the story i am going to call them sandals i dont like calling them flip flips lol)  i tied my hair into a pony tail and grabbed my purse just in case we stop anywhere to eat. i exited my room to see a showered noah watching tv.

"you showered?" i questioned cocking my head to the side.

"oh yea i just scrubbed my body real quick i dont like the feeling of sweat." he stated turning off the tv. "ready?"

"um yeah." i said rummaging through my tv stand drawer. grabbing the spare flat key. i turned to him and saw he was standing. "here dont loose it, its the extra one for the flat." and then i handed it to him. the key looked very small in his hand.

"thank you and you smell very good by the way." he gushed.

"thank you." i mumbled looking at my painted toes.

"so we shall go!" he exclaimed.

and then we were off.


so i feel like next chapter i want Ale to get to know more of Noah but i dont know yet lol

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