chapter 7

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~ Noahs POV ~ (yes its okay to scream ill give you a second)

i had asked ale to lunch to talk for a bit about things, but she doesnt know i want to talk, all she knows is i want to take her to the cafe. i want to make it up to her for Dez being so disrespectful. i really am a nice guy, i just dont know what had gotten into Dez. i have been seeing her for about 8 months but never really made it official. also she never brought it up.

so i am just guess she likes the way things are flowing i guess. "NOAHHHHHHH!" i hear ale call out. it sounds as if she just got home. i walk out of my bed room, down the hall and into the kitchen. i see her small frame bent over digging through the fridge drawer, "do you know where the cream cheese is?" i make my way over to the fridge and look at the very top. it was sitting where you usually put the butter in one of those flap open compartments. 

"here it is." i pulled it out and handed it to her as she stood from her current position. she looked up at me a grinned. 

"i bought some bagels and muffins, would you like one?" she questioned as she shut the fridge door. 

"i would love some." her petite body moved toward the large paper bag and opened it, she reached her hand in the bag holding a bag full of bagels and pulling out three muffins. she crumbled up the brown bag and threw it in the trash. 

i reached over the counter and grabbed the bagel bag and two napkins. i twisted open the bag and watched her move toward the drawer that had the silverware and pulled out a knife to spread the cream cheese onto the bagels. i pulled out one for me and one for ale. 

she walked around and sat in the chair next to me and pulled the napkin wit her bagel to her and opened it to smear the cream cheese over it and after she was done she had passed it to me. he small hand lightly brushing mine as i grabbed the knife. 

"so i was thinking we could have lunch around 1 or 1:30. " i looked at the time it was about 10:30 now so that should be enough time. 

"yea that sounds good." she put the bagel up to her mouth and took a bite out of it. her nose scrunched up slightly as she bit into it, she had caught me staring and i scooped some cream cheese off the knife and put it on the tip of her nose. "noaaaahhhh." she giggled throwing her head back. she looked back at me and did something very unexpected. she picked up the other half of the bagel and pressed it to my cheek laughing, getting off her chair and running away laughing. i chuckled to my self chasing after her but she had beat me into her room instantly locking her door.

you can hear her soft giggles close to the door. i bent down to look underneath her door to see her already looking at me. she screamed a small scream and stood to her feet. running away to where i couldnt see her anymore. she was honestly adorable. "im going to leave you be to get ready." i stated before hearing a muffled okay. 

i walked into my room shaking my head and yes i have already taken off the bagel off my face. i walked into my bathroom and took a wash cloth to wipe off the remaining cream cheese from my face.

i heard my cell phone ring from my bedside table. i walked out of my bathroom and picked it up. it showed Dez's face and her name flash acrossed the screen.

i groan loudly not wanting to answer but knowing her being crazy i answered. 

"BABY!!!!!" she yelled into the phone. i pulled back wincing at my now new hearing loss, i switched the phone to my other ear so i can rub my other one.

"hey." i simply greeted into the phone. 

"why the boring greeting?" she pouted into the phone, knowing her she has her lower lip puckered with a fake sad face. i rolled my eyes annoyed at the girl i was talking to. 

"just tired i woke up i need to shower." i stated blankly. 

"well i just wanted to say that my friends and i are throwing a party for the fourth of july." she excitedly stated into the phone. "bring who ever you want, but not her." her voice hardened and said her with a very rude voice. 

"you said bring who ever i want so im bringing her im not leaving her to be by herself." i actually wanted to talk to her about the fourth of july, since it would be her first one i wanted to make it special, take her to the cliffs and maybe invite emily and zach along to show her the beauty of it all. yes i am very sentimental. 

"ugh what ever, but keep her away from US at my party, i dont want it to be ruined." she stated with an atittude. i sighed into the phone rubbing my forehead. 

"alright Dez i have to go." i didnt give her the chance to say anything, i just hung up. i threw my phone onto my bed. i striped off my shirt and threw it into the clothes hamper and walked into the bathroom. i got ready to shower and took one. i got out and shaved my face. i dried my hair with my towel and brushed it out before ruffling it to give it a slight messy look. i chose to wear a white t shirt, dark blue denim pants and white sneakers. 

i put on some cologne and some deoderant. i walked out of my room and watched some tv. after a while i smelled a certain perfume, i looked to my right and i could see a certain someone fumbling around in her purse. her brows were furrowed and i checked out her outfit. she was wearing dark high rised ripped jeans and a cropped off the shoulder top that was white and white slip on vans. her hair was in a messy styled pony tail which had hairs pulled out to frame her face. 

she looked up and started blushing. she opened her mouth and stuttered "wh-why are you staring at me?" 

i just smiled before replying. "we are basically twinning." she looked at what i had on and shook her head.

"i could go change if you want me to." she pointed back to her room.

"nah its okay." i stated waving off the situation. 

"would we be able to go see the shops by the cafe?" she asked playing with the strap of her bag. 

"yea we can go a bit early if you would like." i nodded my head. she smiled and nodded her head. she fixed her pony letting her long hair hang over her left shoulder. 

she walked infront of me as we walked out of the house, i locked the door and met her at the drive way. "mine or yours?" i asked.

"um yours?" she questioned looking at me 

"sure." i unlocked my truck opening her door for her and closing it. i walked around to the drivers side and got in. i looked over at her and she was twirling her thumbs. i have noticed she only does that when she is nervous or wants to say something but doesnt want to mention it.

slowly getting to know more and more of ale and its making me happier that i have met her. i looked away from her and started my truck, backed out and headed to the shops near the cafe.


Okay guys so how did you like a little taste of how noah felt. let me know if i should write another chapter in noahs pov. all i know is im ending it in his point of view. and how do you guys like Dez? do you think her and noah are going to last long? if not when do you think they will break things off? also what do you think is going to happen with ale and ethan? 

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