chapter 17

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~3 weeks later~

i am back home, and although i hated it here its good to be home. my grandmothers funeral was hard. i have a empty hole in me that is just there. 

as i sat on my bed i wondered what was going on back in the states with my friends. 

emily and i talked on the phone this morning and she said she sent over a card to fill out information for the new years eve thing. from what she had told me i have about a month to fill it out and send it back for them to put into the computer to be generated to find the matchs, then send out the compatible scavenger hunts to find each other on new years.

not going to lie im very nervous for it. i never really have been set up blindly like this, but she had also said there is quite a bit of people who signed up for it from their entire friend group.

"Alexa, love come down stairs time to eat." my mum yelled from down the stairs. 

i got up straightened out my shirt and proceeded down my stairs. ever since i got back she has been different. i signed up for uni, i started a week ago, which is only a half hour away from my home so i just drive. 

once i got to the dinning area my plate has been already made for me. i was very hungry from afternoon classes because i skipped out on lunch due to running late. 

"so how was uni?" lilly started a conversation. 

"its been good, since i started late im a little behind but im catching up fairly quickly." i stated before taking a potato in my mouth. 

"when i was in uni, i had a bast hopefully you get that experience even living off campus." she looked around the table. 

"yeah" i pushed the onions off my beef "hopefully." 


after dinner i helped clean up as a nightly thing my sister and i did. 

"lilly, has anything came in the letters for me?" i questioned.

"not that ive checked but if there is its on mums office desk." we werent able to do into our parents studies. they always check through the mail before handing it out. 

ive decided to go in while they got ready for bed so i asked lilly to look out for me. 

i entered their studies and looked through the stack of letters and tried to see if mine came from emily. which it did. i grabbed it and stuck it into the back of my jeans.

i shut the doors carefully and turned around.

"you know you can't be in there." my father raised an eyebrow. 

"i wanted to see if i could find a book to read, i have been sort of restless lately." i quickly came up with a lie "i couldnt find one, do you have any recomendations?" i asked.

"actually i do." he smiled reopening the doors i had just closed. "heres one of my favorites." he pulled out a book from the top of the shelf. "gone with the wind. i think you will enjoy it." he hands me the book. 

i grasped the book with my hands and pulled it. "thank you" i smiled. 

he and i walked out together, i watched as he closed the doors. he turned to me and opened his mouth to speak. "now next time just ask instead of sneaking around." i nodded my head and walked towards the stairs to make my way up to my room.

i closed my bedroom door and took the letter out from my jeans and walked to my bed. i opened it and there was a letter from emily and zach, leslie, and noah.  along with the paper with the information on it and a bracelet.

i first answered the questions, they were just basic questions to answer about myself, like favorite food, one place to visit. basic things like that nothing too complex.

i then went on to reading the letters.


oh my gosh i cannot wait till i see you for new years. we have to go out to brunch or something when you get back. i miss seeing your face every time we had work. every thing is going great here, i cant find anyone who works as hard as you. im stuck with a new girl that isnt as fun as you are! plus she almost always calls in sick and it is very agrivating! you have to write back. sorry this is so short emily had told me to whip up something quick to send to you but i also want to give you this bracelet in the envelope.

love and miss you, 

leslie xoxo

dear Alexa,

girl zach and i have missed you like crazy! let us know when you have to purchase a ticket to fly back out because we can go ahead and set up a room for you! also i want to give you some big news! i found out that i am pregnant! yes thats right theres going to be a little me or a little zach running around. i cant wait till you come back so we can start baby shopping! also i dont know what noah had said in his note or if you read his first but ill let you read it if you havent. so i will shut up about that. 

i just hope that after you finish college you will come back.anyways i will get back to you later! hope you write back later on! 

love em and zack <3

i cant believe they are having a kid. i smiled and opened my last letter which was from noah.

hey ale,

i have missed you so much since you left. which really ticked dez off. but i didnt really care because as much as i cared about her she has gotten to be too much. so her and i broke up and i moved out. i repurchased our house. and if you decide to come back to the states at any time, youre very welcome to come home. i just want to express how much you mean to me ale. 

although i do understand that you wont come back for a while if you do decide. but when you do ill be here.  and i also want to appologize for being a complete arrogant person a couple months back when i said that i wanted to make you jealous and all of that. which was a complete lie because i fell for you ale. and i shouldve told you that when i had the chance. 

anyways you are probably super busy being back home with your family. say hi to lilly for me since she really was the only one who didnt hate my presence while they were here. it would be nice if you wrote back. again i miss you ale.


i put down the letter and sighed. maybe i should just tell em i dont want to do the match making thing. 

after an hour of contemplating and writing letters back, i folded all the letters up and found a new envelope to place the information in and the letters i wrote. i placed a stamp and set it on my desk. 

i got ready for bed and began reading my fathers book. after a while i dozed off and fell asleep.


hiiiii okok so this chapter really was only a filler just because i was gone for a while. i hopefully will start writing again because i really got to get this book done to be able to complete my other one which is called the boy and then be able to start a new book which i have big plans for. also thank you for reading!!

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