chapter 10

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ethan had picked us up and we were driving towards dez's flat. emily was trying to spark up a conversation from the back seat of the truck and i continued.

"so how long have you guys been seeing each other?" she pried.

"we havent really been seeing each other, we met a couple days ago." i replied looking at ethan for any answer he was going to say. he was dressed in a black tshirt and white shorts with black vans. he looked like a beach boy.

"yea i just had to get this cuties number when she walked into the store." he chuckled putting a hand on my thigh. i shifted uncomfortably grabbing his hand intertwining our fingers instead of having his hand in that position. i smiled showing off my slight dimples and focused my attention on the road. 

we were getting close, i could hear the music from down the street. there was a couple party's going on actually. so we stopped infront of the place with the address noah had given me and found a parking spot instantly. 

we unlocked our hands and unbuckled our belts. the got out right away and i stared at the large house. i took a deep breath in and let it out. i opened my door and slid out of the truck. i pulled up my pants and fluffing my hair to make sure it looked okay before proceeding to where emily and ethan stood. 

"ready?" he asked me. i nodded my head with a smile and he wrapped his arm around my shoulders. my heart rate had sped up a little bit while walking towards the open double doors. some reason i just had a feeling he knew- my thoughts were cut off.

"ETHAAANNNN!!!!!" a girl screeched. and it was dez. "oh my gosh i havent seen you in forever!" she hugged him and pulled away. "what are you doing with HER?" she gave me a nasty glare. 

"okay, what is your problem with me i have never done anything to you?" i finally spoke my mind.

"nothing is wrong i just simply dont like you, you arent someone i would want to be seen with youre, youre this tall well short and i hang out with people this tall." she exaggerated the height difference between both of us in a baby voice.

"how does height play into you not liking me?" i shook my head not understanding.

"maybe your brain is as small as you are but you will never understand, noah will always be mine and you wont affect us." she said bending down by shrinking her legs and putting her hands on her knees. i hate when people comment about my height. im not even that short.

" sounds like im a threat to you." i stated in a cocky manner to try and piss her off. i could tell emily wanted to say something but she knew how i was with this girl. " i will always be a threat to you wont i?" i stepped a bit closer to her. "you think noah will leave you for me, but that wont happen.  i have ethan." i said turning and pulling ethan down to have a simple kiss with him.

we pulled away and dez stood there with her arms crossed over her chest and noah stood there with two cups in his hand. he stood there with a blank expression on his face. great. i took a deep breath in and walking away past every one trying to find a back door to get out of the house. i mean yes i couldve just walked out of the front but i didnt want anyone to follow after me out there. 

i found the back door and it was already open. there was only a few people out here. i took in the semi cold air and breathed in the air. i sighed and walked over the the fire pit area which wasnt occupied by anyone. i sat down on the empty bench.  i took down my hair from the half up half down and ruffled it to make the bump go away.

i took out my phone to use the camera as a mirror to fix my part to make it look better. i shouldve just stayed home. emily hand plopped down beside me and put her arm around my shoulder. 

"i know how you feel about noah, and you dont feel that way about ethan, i can tell. and dez can tell." she rubbed my arm as she talked. i took a long sigh.

"i just dont know em. he has dez and hes mad about ethan." i shook my head hanging it down low. 

~ ethans pov ~

"you need to leave" dez said as she pulled me to where the coats were being hung up. " blake is here and if she sees you with that girl she wont ever forgive you." she snarled. 

"look blake and i arent going anywhere all she is, is a girl to call up. i actually like alexa." i blankly said.

"Ethan!" i heard blakes voice call. i didnt turn around instead i walked away. i ignored her calles and walked out to try and find alexa.  when alexa kissed me i was shocked. but it sent a tingle down my spine, blake never did that to me. i walked out the back door and noticed her sitting with her friend. she sat there with her hair undone with it laying down her back. she was absolutely stunning. 

i walked around the fire and sat on the other side. "m-my sister texted me, shes having trouble with her boyfriend and i have to go. i am sorry i cant stay long." i lied. i honestly really did have to get out of here. the way alexa ran off i could tell she didnt have the right feelings off the bat to leave blake right away. 

"yea thats okay, we can take an uber home. i hope your sister is alright." she tucked a few hairs behind her ear and pulled a smile. she got up and i did too. i walked around and met with her to ingulf her tiny frame into a hug, she pulled away. "have a great night." i kissed her forehead not wanting to re have that spark down my spine. 

i walked out of the house and to my truck and drove away.

~ noahs pov ~

not going to lie, im pissed. the guy shes talking to is ethan. he has a chick already. i noticed him walk out of the house. i told dez i would be right back. she is honestly turning out to be someone i never expected her to be. she was amazing at first but now shes different. 

i checked the time and it was about 7:30 now. the fireworks were going to go off soon.

i walk out to the back yard and see her and emily talking by the fire. i went up to them.

"so wheres your little boy friend?" i commented with no emotion.

"h-hes not my boyfriend." ale looked down at her hands twirling her thumbs. i should lay off a bit.

"clearly not, thats why you were lip locking him?" i sarcasticly remarked. okay now i will. "well i checked the time theres going to be fireworks in a couple of minutes." i looked at the sky. she muttered an okay before turning back to emily trying to avoid my presents. i sighed and took a sip of my drink.


the fireworks started to go off in red white blue gold and green. it was honestly beautiful. 

just as beautiful as- what am i thinking. i shook my head and just walked inside. i want this night to be over.


okkkk so short chapter sorry but i havent written in likkeeeee two days or something like that, but yeah hope you guys enjoy!

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