chapter 2

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its been a little over a week and i havent gotten a call. ughhhh. what am i going to do??

i did get a part time job at retail store which is only 5 dollars an hour. minus the state tax stuff. so hopefully it will be okay. i decided to call my parents.

i scrolled through my contacts and before i clicked call on my mothers name a text rolled in. 

it was a blocked number, but it said "hello, i would like to meet with you for a spot in your flat i just moved here and dont know where to stay."

i quickly responded "yes hi would you like to meet at the coffee shop?"

"yes i am actually here now if you would like to come down?" the unknown person replied.

"okay i will be down there in less than 5 minutes. thank you."

i quickly drove down to the coffee shop to meet the unknown person.

i get to the coffee shop and jump out of my jeep and lock it. i walk into the shop and look around. i texted the person "hi i just entered um who are you lol."

i heard the text alert from behind me and turned, there sat a very handsome guy. 

"woah" we both said at the same time. i started to blush.

"hi im alexa, but you can call me Ale." i said extending my arm to shake his hand. his large one engulfed mine, he had a nice hand shake, but again his hand is larger and stronger than my petite one. 

"im Noah." he smiled. woah his teeth are nice. 

"um c-can we sit?" i stuttered motioning for us to sit at the high top table. he is well... very handsome. 

"so um, i dont really have anything planned to ask for an interview, to be very honest i just tried to sound profesional." i said scratching the back of my head.

"its alright." he chuckled.

"i just didnt expect a guy to be the first to contact me." i said honestly.

"i was the first?" he asked shocked. 

"well yea youre the only one who-" i looked that the flyer and there was only one number left. "but i havent gotten any messages or calls?" i asked confused.

"hmm maybe its just destiny." he said with a smile showing off his pretty teeth. 

i just gave him a smile and said "well i guess the extra room is yours." i said standing up to take down the flyer. "so if you would just follow with your car?" i asked.

"yeah i could do that." he said nodding his head taking out his car keys as he stood up. he towered over me, hes maybe 6 foot 2? im 5'2 by the way.

i looked up at him "how tall are you?"

"6 foot 3" he said looking down at me. i nodded my head thinking to myself that i was very close.

"how old are you?" i chimed in once again. 

"im going to turn 21 in three weeks." he stated 

"oh thats awesome." i noted. "i parked over here so ill pull out and start driving when youre ready?" i asked and he simply nodded his head. 

i got into my car and waiting to see his car, i did and i pulled out and headed to my flat. this kinda makes me nervous, is this a good idea? 

hopefully this guy isnt a total pyhsco. but gosh he is so cute!


im going to be very honest i have no idea where this story is going to go. 

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