chapter 4

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he pulled into a local 7-11 and i got out with him. when he opened the door he held it open for me to enter first and then he entered. 

"i am going to grab a monster and a bag of chips if you would like anything you can grab it." he motioned down the snack isle. i looked down the isle at the massive amount of candy there was. hmmm what to choose. i chose a airheads packet and then headed over to the drinks. i grabbed a mountain dew, the blue one, because they are one of my favorites. i looked to find noah and he was in the chip isle. i told him i was going to go pay but he protested and insisted that he would pay for my choice in snacks. 

i accepted his offer after three minutes of a slight bicker and we walked over to the cashier. he reached into his back pocket to grab his wallet. he pulled out the total amount the cashier had told us and was given his change. we walked out and i thanked him and insisted that i would pay him back. 

"i called my parents and they arent home so we are good, my mom would freak out if i have a girl over. she thinks every girl i bring over is my girl friend" he chuckled while sharing that to me. and that made me think has he had many girls over before? have they done things? i mean i cant really say anything hes not mine or anything.

"ah okay that alright. i mean it would get really awkward if that happened." i laughed trying to brush off my thoughts. i looked for the thing to put your seat up more and adjusted it to my liking. Noah noticing my actions he started to laugh. "Okay Noah i know i short can you not laugh" i said trying to hold back my laughter. 

~~~~~~~~~~~ 2 hours later ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

we arrived at noahs parents house and woah, it was way bigger than i thought it was. he noticed my face and was like "i hate it here, thats why i moved." he got out of the car and i went to pull on my handle before the door was opened up for me. 

Noah is such a gentleman. we walked up the huge drive in and he unlocked the door with a key on his key ring. we went up to his room and i stood at his door. he turned and chuckled "you know you can come in right?" 

"oh uh yeah" i nervously laughed. why am i so nervous. oh maybe because his whole room is as big as my whole living room and kitchen combined. i helped take out his already emptied drawers one by one as he took two. after we were finished with the drawers, which i am very glad he does not have stairs he told me to lift up one side of the dresser. i chose the side where i did not have to walk backwards because knowing how clumsy i am i was not making that mistake. the dresser was not as heavy as it could have been. 

i think that is why we took the drawers out. i helped him get it out of the house and down the drive. we took a break once we got to his vechicle which i am very thank full for. i looked down at my hands and they were very red for helping with the very heavy object. he counted out a 1,2, and 3 before we both lifted it into the SUV, me making a large and let me tell you very unattractive grunting sound. after we got it into the SUV he closed the trunk and i rubbed my somewhat swollen hands. 

we walked back into his house and he handed me a small ice packet for my hands to cool down. i had mumbled a thank you and pressed the cold pack to my hands holding it in a praying position to cool them both down. 

he had written a short but sweet note to his parents about him picking up his dresser and also saying that he will call very soon. i handed him back the cold pack and we headed home.


we got home and got settled in i started to make dinner. i made a little more than usual just in case noah wanted some. tonight i made pasta. i know simple but i love pasta. i made a plate for me and set it aside. i walked over to noahs room and knocked on his open door. 

"hey Noah, just letting you know i made some pasta if you wanted any." i let him know.

"oh yes, that actually sounds great right now." he got up and followed me into the kitchen.

i sat at the bar stool since my island was larger than i hoped, but that means i didnt need to spend money on a table. i added a little extra salt and pepper before i sat down. i twirled my fork into my noodles and then took a bite. 

"this tastes amazing." he had told me. stuffing his face with more noodles and sauce. i laugh as he did and covered my mouth so non would spill out.

he swallowed his mouth full of pasta and asked "so where exactly are you from? i noticed you have a slight accent." 

i cleaned the sides of my mouth before speaking " im from london, but my "accent" isnt has strong as my families. im kinda lucky i guess because then i wont get questioned alot about it here." i twirled my fork again before taking another semi mouth full, trying not to me unattractive while i ate. 

"i actually think its kind of sexy." he bluntly stated. i choked a little bit at his sudden choice of words. "oh im sorry. a-are you okay?" he hurried around the counter to make sure i was okay.

i took a sip of my water making sure my throat was cleared before speaking out. "yeah i just didnt expect that." i laughed a bit. 

"im sorry if i made you feel uncomfortable." he rubbed the back of his neck.

"no, no its okay just caught me off guard by alot." i stated waving my hands motioning it was okay. no one has ever said that to me or ever called me that. we finished our meal in peace with slight banter back and forth. i grabbed my plate, washed and dried it before placing it in its desired storage area. i did the same to the remaining ones on the stove top area. Noah had done the same after i did. 

"im going to my room so if you need anything just knock on my door." i stated before walking out of the kitchen and into my room. 


i hope you guys are liking this story so far. remember to comment and dont forget to vote for each chapter you like or read. 

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