chapter 8

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i had asked if we could go to the shops so i could pick up a few more summer clothes. it is actually very hot in california.  i wanted to grab a couple more pairs of high waisted shorts and a few more of those cheap tube tops. they flatter my body very well. i already have enough pairs of high waisted pants and mid rise which go to a little below my belly button. which eventually i want to get peirced. 

noah had parked and waited a bit after turning off the truck. "i gotta ask you something." he spoke in a weird way, almost nervous. i nodded my head in place of words. "Dez, she um, shes throwing a fourth of july party. she told me she didnt want you to come but since i didnt want you to be alone on your first july fourth-"

"its okay, i dont want to be somewhere i am not wanted." i cut him off while looking down starting to twirl my thumbs and pop the joints. 

"no i want you to go." he grabbed ahold of one of my hands, my head slowly rose from looking at my lap to meet his eyes. 

"a-are you sure?" i stammered. he nodded his head basically saying he was sure. "is she going to poke jabs at me all night?" i asked looking into his eyes deeper.

"i honestly dont know. the best way to avoid it is by bringing someone along." i nodded my head agreeing, maybe i should tell him about ethan at the cafe, not so soon. i bit my lip before speaking.

"so um can we hit the shops? i have to find an outfit for the fourth of july." i tugged my lips into a smile. he dropped his head and chuckled. he opened his door and i did mine. i slid out of his truck and onto the floor. i readjusted my pants by pulling them up and grabbing my purse off the floor and closing my side of the door. 

i walked around the truck onto the side walk. "what kind of stores are you into?" he pried at me. 

"well since i moved here i have been shopping at stores like charlotte russe, tillys, fashion q because its very cheap, and hollister for my pants they are so nice." i listed the stores i have been liking. 

"hollister is good and tillys is the best." he commented on the stores i liked. i smiled up at him and he spoke once again "Dez likes this store called Agaci, if you want to check that out, she gets her party stuff there." he recomended. i nodded my head saying yes to checking out that store.

we had went to that store first since it was on our way to the other stores. i have to admit the clothing here is actually cute. i went to one of the little tables and instantly fell inlove with a tank top. in was silver sequenced with a straight front and back and the straps were very skinny. it was also cropped. i checked the price tag thinking it was going to be expensive but it was pretty cheap. i searched for my size and picked it up. "can i go try this one?" he nodded his head and followed to where the dressing area was and sat on a stool out side of it. the nice worker led me to the change room and i changed out of my top into the one i had picked out. i liked the way it fit. it was a little smaller than my normal cropped tops and it also made my top half more prominent.

i walked out of the change room and found noah. "uh does it look okay?" i waited for his opinion. 

"it looks great." he smirked checking my frame out. i smiled and shook my head. 

"dez would hit you in the face so hard if she saw that." i walked away back into the change room to change back, i grabbed the top and headed to where noah was. i stopped infront of him and he grabbed the top from me and started to speed walk to the open teller. "hey!" i lightly shouted to get him to stop. his much longer legs got him to the teller a lot faster than i did and by the time i had gotten there, which i am guessing he told the girl to hurry, he was giving her the money. "you cant be doing that." i scowled at him. 

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