Chapter 4

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I get to Starbucks and I see Cam sitting up the back corner he spots me and waves at me to come to him he seems a little worried. I walk over and say hello and he says 'hey beautiful, I don't want anyone to recognise me so do you want to walk with me' I nod my head and we start walking. It's snowing outside and Cam can see that my hands are cold he grabs my right hand and asks me my name and I tell him 'my name is Danielle' he says 'Danielle is a beautiful name, and you are a beautiful girl' I blush again. We are just walking and talking about lots of different things we talk about vine and what made him start doing vines and we talk about all the other boys in magcon. Cameron is such a beautiful person he makes you feel so warm and welcoming, we were sitting on a park bench and we were holding hands. I was shivering so he pulled me close to him so he could keep me warm, he smells so good he smells amazing actually I could defiantly get used to this feeling. After talking for 3 hours about lots of different things I ask him why me? Why did he decide to ask me to meet up with him? He said "when I saw you walk towards me I felt an instant connection with you like I have never felt with anyone before and I just wanted to get to know you better and I'm really glad a did because you seem like my kind of girl" I feel amazing right now I give him the biggest hug and I try to let him know how I feel about him. He says it's getting late and he will walk me home so we start walking to my hotel we are holding hands and walking and just talking about random little things and it is amazing. I don't think it has sunk in that I'm actually talking to Cameron Dallas but I'm sure that will come. We get to my hotel and I thank Cam for walking me home and he says 'I would walk you home any night my gorgeous girl' he gives me a hug and a kiss on the forehead it is perfect just like a movie, I say "I love you Cameron" and he says "i love you too Danielle" just as I turn around to walk into my hotel room he grabs my waist and says wait I forgot something. He kisses me, with one hand on my waist and one hand on my face he kisses me gently yet with so much passion I feel like sparks are flying everywhere in the room. He says I need your number to call you tomorrow, he hands me his phone and I put my number in he saves it under 'gorgeous girl'. He kisses me one last time, I don't want this to end this is a real life movie. After our kiss he says "goodnight beautiful" and walks away.

I walk into my hotel room and fall on my bed, the biggest smile falls on my face from ear to ear a full grin. It finally hits me that I just kissed Cameron Freaking Dallas, Cameron Dallas just took me out for the night. I'm sure I'm dreaming this can't be real life this can't be happening to me plain old boring me. It's times like these that I wish I had a friend to run to and gossip to. All my friends left me in year 9 after this guy dumped me because I wouldn't have sex with him, he was really hot and popular but I wasn't ready to go to the next level yet so he dumped me and all my friends left me for him and his friends. The magcon boys are the only reason I am here, Cameron especially and now I have just spent a whole night with my number one. This can't be happening.

I try to get some sleep as I'm laying in my hotel bed on twitter I get a notification that Cameron tweeted. I look at the tweet and it says "she's a keeper for sure" my heart melts I'm in love with this boy and I think he may be falling in love with me. Who am I kidding Cameron Dallas will never love me I'm no where near as good as he is I will never be good enough for him. Just as I started having bad thoughts about the whole night thinking that it would be the last time I ever see him my phone lights up, a text from a number saying "thank you for tonight baby I still taste you on my lips". Oh my freaking goodness Cameron just texted me, the Cameron Dallas just texted me I forgot how to breathe. Suddenly all those bad thoughts go away and I replay my night over and over.

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