Chapter 32

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It has been 2 months today since mum was diagnosed with cancer and I have spent everyday with her since the day I found out. Cam and I have moved into mums house so we can be with her. Cameron has been so supportive of me and has felt with all my emotions through this long horrible journey and trust me I have been the worst, but Cameron has been amazing.

Mum only has a month to live, I want her to be here forever I can't loose her.

Mum has been really sick and really weak. Cameron and I have looked after her the best that we can but we aren't doctors and we need help. Mum decides that she wants to go to the hospital until it's her time to pass.

The guys from MAGCON have been absolutely amazing through this whole drama. Matt and Taylor text me at least twice a day asking how things are going and all the other guys call me once a fortnight just to talk to me and see how I'm feeling. They are amazing and they are the most supportive family I could ask for.

Cam and I visit mum everyday for half the day just so she doesn't get lonely and because I know we don't have much time left together. We have moved back into our own house because mum wanted to sell her house so that she knew we would be able to afford nice things for her funeral. Mum has said goodbye to all her friends which has been a very sad process.

Mum gets weaker and weaker every day she doesn't move anymore or speak to me when I come and see her because she can't, the life support is the only thing keeping her heart beating right now and the doctors have told me they are turning it off tomorrow. I ask Cam if he could please leave the room while I say good bye to mum, he kisses my forehead and leaves the room.

'Mum I love you. I know you can hear me and I just want you to hear me out. I wish I spent more time with you even though we were always together every day I feel like I could have spent more time with you. I remember when I was little and you would take me to the park and watch me run around like a spastic and you would laugh and laugh for hours. Remember when I would always put on little dance concerts for you and I would dress up in all my costumes. I just remember all the times we have had together and I wish I could relive them all. I'm going to miss you so much and I don't want to be without you mum but I promise I will do you proud. I promise.' I say to her hoping that she can hear me. I lay on the side of her hospital bed crying. The doctor walks in and tells me that it's time to let go, I hold her hand and nod my head at the doctor. I watch her chest as I hear the machine beep and her chest stop moving. I break down holding her hand on the side of her bed and I feel Cameron rest his head on top of mine and he just hugs me as I cry and cry for hours and hours on end.

The doctors come in a wheel my mum away and I just hug Cameron and cry.

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