Chapter 14

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In the morning Cameron invites me to go to Luna Park with them but I decide to stay at the hotel and let them have a day together just the guys because Cam has been with me non stop and I don't want the guys to think I'm stealing him from them.

While they are out for the day I stay at the hotel and clean up my room the guys leave me their keys so they don't loose them while they are out so if they are lucky I might clean up their rooms as we'll. I pack up all my clothes as they have been thrown all around my room by me looking for clothes in it. It's Wednesday today and I'm not leaving until Saturday so I decide to put some clothes in the draws. I clean up my bathroom and organise all my makeup and shampoo and conditioner and stuff, I decide to have a shower and wash my hair since I haven't washed it in a while. After I get out if the shower I hear a knock on my door I quickly get dressed and put on some mascara. I open the door and see about 10 girls standing at my door.

'Oh my goodness is it actually you is it actually the Danielle!' One of the girls screams

'Um yeah that's me I guess aha?' I say with a confused look on my face.

'Ahhhh can we please come in pretty pleaseeeeeee!?' Another girl says

'Um sure' I say letting them walk past me into my room they all take a seat on the floor or in the 3 chairs I have in my room. It was quiet for a second then the questions start flooding in.

'How did you meet Cam?'

'Where are you from?'

'How old are you?'

'Is Cameron a good boyfriend?'

'Woah hold up girls' I say laughing

'I met Cam on Saturday at MAGCON he said that he instantly fell in love with me he slipped a note into my back pocket telling me to meet him somewhere so I did and we just hit it off from there really' I explain

They all look at me like I'm some super star and they don't say anything to me

'Girls you don't have to fan girl over me I'm literally one of you I was the biggest fan girl ever trust me you should look through my twitter, just know that anythings possible okay cuties' I say with a big smile on my face.

They all start telling me how lucky I am and asking me a few more questions about the guys and what it's like to hang out with them we were talking for about half an hour when I decide that they should go so I can finish cleaning up.

'Before we go can I please get a picture with you!' One girls says and they all nod.

'Of course you can gorgeous girls, and I want to to all write down your twitter names and 2 guys that you want to follow you I can give your names to all of them because that's not fair on everyone else' I explain to them

They all nod with huge smiles on their faces after about 20mins we have finished taking photos together and they have left.

I decide to go down to Cam, Nash, Carter and Matts room and clean up their stuff. I pack away all their clothes for them and tidy up their room they are all like brothers to me so I may as well help them out.

Next room is Shawn, Aaron, Jacob and Mahogany. Their room is pretty clean because Mahogany is in there and she wouldn't let it get messy! So I leave their room how it is.

Taylor, Jack G, Jack J and Hayes share the last room and it is also pretty clean surprisingly. Hayes is a bit on a clean freak though so it's understandable.

I go back into my room and check my phone and I have a text from

Cameron so I open it

Cameron: saw photos of you and some fans today, so glad they aren't giving,you hate baby girl x

Danielle: yeah they came and knocked on my door and we hung out for a bit. Also I cleaned up your room for you babe x

Cameron: aw thank you cutie x I have something to tell you when we get back to the hotel. We will probably be another hour until we are back oh and don't wait for us to have dinner we met some fans at this park and we said we would have dinner with them! I love you x

Danielle: okay baby have fun love you lots x

I wonder what Cameron could possible need to talk to me about but I don't really stress about it.

I go on twitter and look through the guys tweets they look like they are having so much fun I'm so glad they are together. They post heaps of funny videos together and heaps of photos. I look through my phone at all mine and Cams selfies from the past couple of days which makes me smile. I love him so much.

A couple hours later all the guys burst through my door they all ask for their keys, they look so tired it's so funny. Cameron walks in last and sits down next to me on my bed.

'So what did you need to talk to me about babe?' I ask with a puzzled look

'Oh yeah I have really good news, we'll I think it's good news at least... I'm moving to Australia for a year!' He says with a giant smile.

'Oh wow Cam that's amazing where abouts are you moving to? I will have to come visit you!' I say

'Well that's my next question.. I was wondering if...' He stares at the ground biting his lip and rubbing his neck ahh he looks so gorgeous when he's nervous!

'What Cam?' I say

'I was wondering if maybe you would move in with me? I know you still have one year left of high school but there is a really good school near my house that you will be able to get into easy,' he explains

'Its sound like a great idea but I don't know if I can leave my mum is depends on how far your house if from hers, she's all I have I can't leave her' I say to him

'Its about and hour south in a small town called Camden I think'

'WHAAAT!?' I yell

'Wow sorry is something wrong?' He says a little freaked out

'I live in Camden that is where I'm from oh my goodness this is crazy of course I will move in with you Cameron it would be a dream come true!!' I say as I jump on him and hug him!

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