Chapter 44

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I wake up to no Cameron in bed with me but a note where he would normally be laying. I open the note and it reads

'Good morning my gorgeous fiancée, I can't wait until I can call you my wife. I still remember the first day I saw you and I instantly fell in love. I won't get to see you today until we both say 'I do'. The guys have all come with me to get me ready and make me look mighty fine for you ;) but I told Matt to stay with you because I know he is walking you down the isle with you today.

I can't wait to see you gorgeous girl, I know you are going to look stunning in your dress because you look stunning in your lazy clothes!

I'm so in love with you and I will be until the day I die!

I love you, I love you, I love you.

See you at 11.30 baby ❤️'

I love him so much.

Our wedding starts at 11.30 and it's now 8.30 so I have 3 hours to get ready which is plenty of time.

I get up and have a shower to shave my body and wash my body. I decide not to skip breakfast today because I have a baby to feed now. I have a small breakfast and then I wash my face again for the make up artist and hair stylists to start working.

I am having pretty natural make up but just a bit more then what I wear normally and my hair is curled and pinned up to the side.

Matt walks in and his jaw basically hits the floor

'You look gorgeous Danielle wow!' He says

'Haha thank you Matt now pick your jaw up' I say back

He smiles and runs over to me to hug me. He whispers in my ear

'Your mum would be proud of you gorgeous'

Which makes me smile and hug him ever tighter. Abbey and Kaitlin are getting their make up done so I decide to go look at myself in the bathroom and just think to myself for a bit.

As I stare at myself in the mirror I wonder if my mum is proud of me, I wonder if my dad ever thinks about me, I wonder what Cameron's thinking, I wonder where I would be right now if I never met Cameron. My thoughts are suddenly interrupted by a knock at the door

'Come in' I yell

The door opens and it's Matt. I smile at him and he smiles back, he doesn't say anything. He hugs me from behind and takes a photo in the mirror of us. He pins a really pretty hair pin in my hair and hands me a note then leaves the bathroom.

'Hi baby it's Cam again. The hair pin Matt just put in your hair was your mums she told me to hold onto it and give it to you when we were getting married because she always knew it would happen! She is a smart lady and she is proud of you looking down on you. She also wrote you a note that I put in this envelop I haven't read it so you will be the first.

I love you'

Note from mum

'Hi gorgeous. I knew this day would come for you and I know I am proud of you. This hair pin was a gift I received from my mum for when I got married. Unfortunately I never did so I am glad that you got to use it. Baby I'm so proud of you. Cameron is an amazing young man and you both deserve each other. I wish I could physically be there but just know that I am there.

I love you more then you will ever know

Mum x'

I start to tear up with a big smile on my face. I can't cry it will ruin my makeup so I fight the tears back for my mum. I fold up my mums note and shove it in my bra so I will have it with me, it's the best hiding place.

I walk out of the bathroom and the girls are all finished and their hair and makeup looks gorgeous!

They tell me it's time to get dressed so they make Matt leave the room so he doesn't see me in my bra and undies then they help me step into my dress. My dress is a white floor length poofy dress with the top completely covered in diamonds and beads it is gorgeous I love it so much. After they finish tying up the back and making sure it is sitting nice they get dressed into their dresses that are also really pretty. They are a light purple shade they look gorgeous with the girls skin colour. By the time we are all dressed it is 10.30 we got ready in record time.

We start to get photos taken and we let Matt back in the room. We get photos with Matt after he stops the tears that are flowing from his eyes. He is so cute.

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