Psych ward friend - Jungkook

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A/N: Trigger warning - mention of suicide, mental health and eating disorders.

Jungkook's POV:

"I think this is a good time to tell you all, I'm suicidal." She says holding back a smirk. Her mother looks at her disapprovingly shaking her head and adjusts her bracelet, not wanting to look at her daughter. It's like her mother is angry at her rather than upset. I lean forward in my seat, looking through the door to where the family are sat. The girl is sat on the hospital bed with a bandage around her neck after a failed suicide attempt. From what I heard, she'd taken pills before she attempted to hang herself so she passed out quickly. She was found not long later, they thought she must have been there for a while because she was out from the pills but actually there hadn't been much damage done to her neck. The medication wasn't enough for an overdose and the hanging didn't last long enough to give her brain damage nor a broken neck. Every time the doctors call her lucky she just laughs and says "You clearly aren't aware I was hoping to die." She's sarcastic and funny, doesn't seem like the type to be depressed at all. She must hide behind her dark humour. "So are we going home now?" She asks, standing up. Her mother stands up and gestures for the doctors to hold her daughter. 

"No. Maiya, you are going to get help from the doctors, so you're going to be staying here." She said it so forwardly, there was no comforting involved at all. The girl's smug look falls from her face, I feel a pain in my heart for her. Maiya shakes her head.

"No, no no. Mum, don't leave me here." She begs and tries to grip onto her mother but she backs away from Maiya's desperate reach. For the first time, there is a look on her mother's face that shows empathy. 

"You need to be here. Normal people don't do what you did. They'll help and stop making your head think of all those bad things." She says and backs out of the room. I can see the look of recognition on the girl's face that she's about to be abandoned here. She screams for her mother's name as she walks away from her. The mother walks by me and stops when she spots me staring. 

"Are you a patient that stays here?" She asks and I nod. She glances back to her daughter who is struggling in the grip of a nurse and a doctor. "Well that's my daughter Maiya, if you could keep an eye out for her then I would be very grateful." Maybe she's not as cold as she seems to be. I nod and she gives me a weak smile. She looks at her daughter while she speaks to me. "She's a good kid. She just gets dragged into things. She's not crazy, mental health doesn't run in our family..." She rambles but I stop her.

"You don't need to explain anything to me. I'll keep an eye on her." I say. She looks back to me and nods. Without another word, she leaves. She seemed pretty adamant on having me believe that her daughter had no mental health issues when she clearly does. It's like she's ashamed to even consider there is anything wrong with her daughter. I bet she is a very proud woman who cares what people think of her and for her daughter to do anything that gains the wrong kind of attention is bad rep. I look to the girl and see she has tears running down her face as she continues to fight away the doctors. She eventually just gives up and drops herself to the floor.

"Fuck you then!" She screams I assume at her mum. When she goes to stand up again, the doctors go to help her but she bats away their hands. "Fuck you too." She says and walks out of the room. I assume she's going to just walk past me but she stops and looks to me. "You a patient?" She asks and wipes away her tears like it's nothing. I simply nod. "Cool. Hey, do you know how to get to the roof?" She asks. My eyes widen.

"Why?" I ask worriedly. She rolls her eyes.

"I'm not going to fucking jump." She says but I don't believe her. "Nah, you're right." She sits on the seat next to me. "I'm Maiya, what's your name?" She asks. She takes in a shaky breath and lets it out. She then looks fully composed, she gets over stuff pretty quick huh?

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