A Girl in Bts?

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(A/N: Before y'all say that this would never happen, I already fuckin know dat, boi, just go along with it lmao. Alsooo I don't want the gender thing to become an issue. I wish I didn't have to say that but this is not here to offend anyone.)

"I don't think you understand how amazing this is for me," I say to my friend, Taya, as I lay on my bed looking at the ceiling. She's sat on the floor looking at me horrified at the news I've just dropped on her.

"They're only supposed to be accepting boys into BTS, you should tell them the truth. A girl wouldn't fit into it at all, the fangirls are going to hate you." Taya says tugging at my arm. I sit up and face her. 

I'd auditioned to be the new member of BTS and never said my gender. I had never lied about actually being a girl, I just never corrected them when they referred to me as a boy. I suppose they didn't even bother to check my records if I was really a boy or not as they would never guess a stupid ass girl would pretend to be a guy.

"But I got in! If they fell for it then I think I can pull this off! This is a perfect job for me, I have years of experience as a dancer and I'm a fine ass singer." I say growing my own ego.

"You're also a girl. They make the guys lift up their shirts all the time during dances, you couldn't do that! And outfits, someone would quickly work out you're a girl when the designers give you clothes to change into. I can't believe how stupid you're being..." She says but it's not the first time all of that went through my head.

"I'll wear a binder so my chest is flat for when I have to wear tight clothes." Not that I have that big of a chest anyway, "And a vest under my shirt at all times, so if I get changed then it's not a problem. Boxers are comfy and it's not like I'm ever going to take them off in front of them. I have a pretty nice six pack so lifting up my shirt will be fine, I just won't raise it too high. My waist is rather thin for a guy, yes, but have you seen Jimin? I'll be fine." I say trying to convince her, as well as myself, that I'll be fine. 

"Your face. Ever considered your pretty little face?" Taya asks and I shrug.

"I'm growing out my eyebrows to look boyish and I won't wear makeup anymore. They'll just assume I'm a pretty boy. The manager assumed I just had a girlish look to me so he won't second guess me." I say. She reaches out and touches my hair.

"I can't believe you cut it." She says running her fingers through my new hairstyle.

"I dyed it way too often, it was so damaged, it's probably for the best that I cut it boy short." I ruffle my now short hair, "It's cute tho right? The white and black will make me stick out as the edgy member." I chuckle but she seems displeased. I have half black and half white hair now, my manager was excited about my suggestion.

"I suppose you're thankful for your unisex name now huh?" She asks. I smile and nod. 

My parents had decided on the name 'Dae' before they even knew what gender I was. So as a kid, the only way to tell if I was a boy or girl was depending on what clothes I was wearing, babies just look like potatoes for a while and people rely on names and clothes to tell them apart. 

"After resenting the name for so long, I'm finally grateful for it."

"You're going to get into so much trouble." She says foreseeing my impending doom.

"Not if I don't get caught," I say and pat her head.

*Skip to the day Dae is meeting the members*

I'm walking with my new manager to the dance practice room to meet all of BTS and I'm so excited. I'm not some maniac fan that signed up for this because of love or anything, I did it as I looked up to them so much and have always wanted to be a singer and dancer. I admire them and the feelings go no further than that. I did, however, think that this was my chance to finally find out if any of the ships are real. Taekook? Namjin? I'm very curious...

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