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"Oh honey what are you two doing here, weren't you just at Chance's house?" My mom asked as Cody and I walked through my front door. 

"Yeah but Cody and I have something we want to talk to you and Daddy about. Where is he?"  I asked leading Cody and I to the couch. We sat down as my mom went to go find my dad.

"So why did you faint baby?" Cody asked placing a soft kiss on my shoulder.

"I just got overwhelmed by the reaction Chance and his family had." I said and reassured him by pecking his lips quickly. Cody makes me so happy and I don't want him questioning that. 

"Okay we're both here now." My dad said smiling as he walked in and shook Cody's hand before kissing my head.

"Whats going on you two?" He asked before sitting on the couch across from us with my mom.

"Mr.Kane, I love your daughter. I asked her to marry me, and she said yes. We both would be very grateful for yours and Mrs.Kane's blessing to follow through with our wedding." Cody spoke taking my hand in his. 

My father stayed quiet looking back and forth between my ring and me and then Cody.

"If it's what makes my little girl happy it makes me happy. You have my blessing." He finally said before looking at my mom for her answer.

"I couldn't have said it better myself." My mom said nodding with a smile.

"Thank you Mr. and Mrs.Kane." Cody said standing up to hug them both. I watched the whole interaction and for some reasonI was feeling more uncomfortable by the minute. 

"Are you staying for dinner Cody?" My mother asked him already ready to resume her cooking. 

"I actually can't. My fathers flight gets in from New York in about a half hour and i need to pick him up from the airport. But maybe next week Stella and I will take you both out to dinner along with my parents?" Cody offered giving my father another handshake and my mother a kiss on the cheek getting ready to leave. They both agreed and left into the kitchen to give us a moment alone.

"Well that went well." Cody said smiling and lifting my chin up to kiss my lips.

"Yeah, it did." I smiled biting my lower lip as I watch him walk out the door. 

I couldn't be happier to be getting married but for some reason I wasn't getting any reassuring reactions from anyone. I sighed running my hand through my hair as I made my way into the kitchen to help my mom.

"Honey, are you sure that you want to spend the rest of your life with Cody?" My father asked as he sat on a stool cutting up tomatoes.

"What? Why would you ask that of course I do." The room got silent as my parents looked at each other.

"Do you not want me to marry him?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest in confusion. 

"No honey it's not that." My mom interjected as she stopped stirring the sauce. 

"Then what is it?" I asked taking a deep breath.

"We think Cody is a great guy, and we trust him. But, we just feel like maybe there could be someone else-" My eyes widened a bit.

"Someone else? Like who?" I asked started to get slightly frustrated.

"If you can't answer that question then I guess we're wrong." My father said shutting down the conversation. I sighed rubbing my forehead before running up the steps to my room for some alone time. I needed time to think. 

I sat in my room replaying today. I thought about Chance, his mom, Brooklyn, my parents. What were they all seeing that I wasn't? Were my parents talking about Chance? Was it awful that I knew they were talking about him? I lifted my left hand so I was eye level with it and I starred at the gold ring on my finger. I love Cody. But I have been picturing my wedding experience since I was little. I pictured excitement everywhere I turned, the perfect dress, center pieces, bridal party. And so far all I've gotten was fake enthusiasm. 

I heard vibrating and looked over to my phone that was on my dresser with Chance's name lighting up my screen. I pressed answer quickly needing some reassuring.

"Hey." I said as I brought the phone to my ear.

"Hey, sorry about how everything went down over here. How did it go telling your parents?" He asked and I could practically hear him pacing his bedroom.

"As well as it could've I guess." I said unenthusiastically. 

"Well I don't want this day to be a complete disaster so I have a surprise for you." Chance said. 

"Oh yeah, and whats that?" I asked with a slight eye roll. 

"Look out your window." He said. I shook my head confused and looked out my window to see my girl best friend of six years- Mia. Mia moved to Florida last year for school and I haven't seen her since. How did Chance get her here??

"Oh my god, Chance you didn't-" I said halfway down my stairs.

"I did, I figured you could use some girl time to talk about how exciting you are to be engaged. I'm not great with that stuff." He said as I was pulling on my shoes to run outside.

"Chance I love you but i'm gonna hang up now to go hug Mia." I said with a huge smile on my face hanging up as I ran outside.

"MY BEST FRIEND GOT ENGAGED AND DIDN'T TELL ME?" Mia yelled running to me and hugging me. 

"Hey in my defense I wanted to tell my parents first." I laughed and hugged her tightly scared that if I let go she would disappear. 

"Well lets get inside cause we have a shit ton to talk about." Mia said already marching inside in front of me.

"HONEY I'M HOME!" She yelled and I heard my mom saying.

"Mia? Did you know we were making homemade pizza?" I laughed at them as she went to give both of my parents hugs.

"No, just like i didn't know my best friend was engaged." She said giving me a sassy smirk. 

"Oh don't be like that." I said with an eye roll and took her bag from her. 

"You're staying here right?" I asked her so I could bring her bags upstairs. 

"Obviously." She said stealing some of the shredded mozzarella and stuffing it into her mouth.

After dinner Mia and I went up to my room and got into sweats before laying in my bed.

"So talk to me Stel." She said turning to face me.

"About what?" I asked cuddling my pillow.

"Well, you talk to me about Chance more than you do about Cody. I am genuinely confused and i think everybody else is too."  

I shut my eyes tightly thinking about the words that my best friend just spoke and I tried to take them as a grain of salt but I take Mia's opinions seriously. 

"I don't know what you want me to explain to you Mia. Chance is and always will be my best friend. But Cody is my fiancé because I love him and he loves me." I tried to explain but I wasn't even convincing myself right now. 

"You're leaving out one person. Chance. Chance loves you. He always has, how do you not see that?" Mia asked me giving me the 'are you kidding me look'.

"Mia. I don't know what you're going on about. Chance loves Emma. Emma gave him the best gift, Brooklyn. But then she left him cause she wanted something better. He never healed from her. He loves her still but she's too busy trying to love anybody else." I explained to her.

"I think the only person he loved that's busy loving somebody else is you hun. If he didn't feel that way why would he fly me out instead of your finance who should know you better than anyone else?" Mia asked me in her calming tone.

"Mia can you please just drop this. I love Cody and Cody loves me which is why we are engaged. If Chance and I were meant to be together we would be." I said giving her my 'that's final' look. She sighed and turned the other way shutting off the lamp next to her leaving us in the dark.

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