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(can we just start this by looking at that photo of Chance because dayummmm 😍 ALSO HOW GOOD IS 'HOW BADLY' I AM IN AWE)

Stella's Pov:

I woke up this morning with a note on my bedside table and Mia's forearm stretched across my face. I pushed it off of me with a slight sigh leaving my lips. This girl needs to learn how to share a bed. 

I picked up the note and smiled seeing my dad's handwriting. 

"Your mother and I are going to visit your grandparents in San Fransisco, you and Mia are on your own tonight. Love you sweet pea." I smiled and left the note on my nightstand. 

Although I chose not to admit it to anyone else I am terrified. I walked over to my desk as Mia's soft snores continued to fill my bedroom. I grabbed my journal and wrote Mia a quick note saying I was going out for the day and not to wait up. I left it next to the one my parents left me and quickly went to get dressed. 

I grabbed my favorite pair of sunglasses, my notebook, a pen, my keys and made my way downstairs. I walked outside to my car and turned the radio on plugging my phone in and pressing shuffle. 

A smile tugged its way onto my lips as the music roared through the speakers and the windows rolled down. 

"I ain't heard you laugh like that in a long time.." I sang along and my mind flashed to that day at the pier with Chance. His face sort of twisted as he listened to the lyrics. That was the day I truly started to question all of this. I screamed the lyrics trying to get all of my frustrations out but by the end of the short car ride I was still torn. 

I parked outside the familiar play ground and a smile tugged at my lips as I got out and walked back to the swing that felt as safe as a castle guarded by knights. I sat down and opened my journal to the next blank page and brought my pen to the top of the page.

"It's been a while since I've written in this book. For some reason I only write in here when my world feels as though it's falling apart.  The last time I felt that way Chance left to audition for Boyband. But now, here I am, eight days before I go from Miss to Mrs. I know I should feel ecstatic and at first I did, I promise. But there are so many complications now I can't even count them. I thought 'okay I can get engaged, have a year to plan it out and develop as a young adult. And then all of a sudden my fiancé has to leave the country in two weeks time and wants to plan the wedding beforehand. Then my best friend who I was in love with for over half of my life comes home and keeps sending me signals but won't use any words to clarify what he's feeling. I don't know what to do. If I call of the wedding I destroy Cody and Chance's family. Emma would hate me and she's Brooklyn's mother I can't do that to them. But, if I don't I destroy myself. Potentially. I love Cody believe me I do. But what if I could love Chance more?" 

My pen was halted by the sound of laughter. I looked up to see Mrs.Avery. A friendly face I was shocked to see.

"Stella, what are you doing here? I haven't seen you in ages." She said and walked over to me giving me a hug. I used to volunteer every summer since I left elementary school with her to help the younger kids with reading and writing. 

"I needed some where to think. Life's been a little hectic lately." I told her and face softened.

"I got the wedding invitation, congratulations." She gave me a small polite smile but I could tell she was holding something back.

"Thank you, so you'll be there then?" I asked her and she nodded.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world. But if it's not an invasion of privacy may I ask you a question Stella?" She asked and I nodded.

"Of course, anything." I said giving her my full attention.

"Do you remember the first day we met? What you said to me outside the classroom before walking inside?" She asked and I shook my head confused. I actually didn't remember.

"Well lucky you I was so touched by it I can't forget." She laughed slightly with a smile on her face as she looked from me to her classroom window in the distance.

"You told me that 'you were scared to go in because that door led to the rest fo your life'. I thought you were terrifyingly intelligent for a five year old. When I asked you what you meant you smiled and said 'I just have a feeling someone in there is going to change my life'." She laughed and I smiled wide now remembering the conversation.

"I was a very imaginative child." I said and she shook her head.

"No you were insightful, and you were correct. Someone in that room did change your life. Chance. Ever since that day that boy had stood by your side. You know I always had my money on the two of you. I thought that you would be the next Mrs.Perez. But regardless of who you wind up with Stella that boy is always going to look at you the way he did that first day." She said and looked down.

"I can't wait to see how beautiful you're going to look at the wedding. Good luck." She said hugging me before walking off to her car in the almost empty parking lot. 

I sighed and took a seat back at the swing and flipped back to the first page of the almost filled book. 

"Hey there, it's me. But then again who else would it be? It's you 14th birthday and Chance is coming over soon. He promise to spend the day with you, but he's an hour late. Do you think I should tell him? Tell him I love him-"

I stopped reading and shut the book. Why am I doing this to myself. I am a grown woman, I have a ring on my left hand and I made a commitment and I have to be loyal to that commitment. 

I am getting married in eight days and nothing and no one is stopping me. 

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