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Stella's Pov:

All day yesterday all I could think about was that damn book my dad gave me. I wanted to read it but I also knew that I didn't need anything else persuading my decision to get married. 

"Stella dear, we're supposed to have dinner with Cody and his parents tonight. Just make sure you and Mia are back in time." My mom said as she shut the front door behind us. I looked at Mia and she gave me a soft smile.

"You know kid, I never thought that we'd be twenty and you'd be getting married in nine days." Mia said as we walked down the street. 

"Yeah. Why is everyone so awe struck over it?" I asked stuffing my hands in the back pockets of my jeans. 

"Stell, I think you know the answer to that." Mia sighed and stopped in her tracks to face me.

"Listen. All of us, the people important to you, we just want to see you happy. I don't give a crap who you marry Stell. Your parents? They don't care who you marry either. Your friends? The don't care. Whoever is going to make you happy by waking up next to them for the rest of your life is the person you need to marry. You marry someone for yourself and for your own happiness not because anyone else told you it was the right thing to do or because you think it's safe. You my friend, have always been the girl who took risks. Who despite what everyone tells her absolutely always makes the right decision. I'm not worried Stell, I have my complete faith behind you cause I know you know what is right for yourself. Stop worrying about everyone else. Worry about you, and who you're in love with." She pulled me into a tight hug and in that moment I felt complete terror. 

I was terrified I was going to let myself down. But it was too late for me to be caught up in those thoughts cause we were now in front of Chance's house. 

Mia's Pov:

I didn't want to be a bad friend. I didn't wanna tell her she was making a mistake, but I know that she is. 

I knocked on Chance's door cause I could tell Stella was having an inner battle with herself as she slightly paced back an forth on his porch. 

"Hey guys!" Presley said opening the door for us. 

"Hey Pres, where's your brother? Could you get him?" I asked as I watched Stella take a seat on the bench.

"Yeah, I'll be right back." She said and quickly went into another room to get him. I greeted him as he rushed to the door with Brooklyn in his arms. 

"What are you doing, why don't you come in?" Chance asked confused and I took Brooklyn from his arms. 

"Well I was hoping, you could fix that first." I said and pointed to Stella bringing Brooklyn inside so they could talk. 

Chance's Pov: 

She looked so beautiful, and so lost. I sat down next to her on the bench and couldn't help but smile.

"Hey, whats on your mind?" I asked her and she looked over at me with a look in her eyes i'd never seen before.

"Why did you love Emma?" She asked catching me off guard. 

Because she reminded me of you

"Well, she liked me a lot and she was fun to be around. I was sixteen when we met Stella. I think I was in love with the idea of her, not her. Why are you asking?" I said licking my bottom lip.

"Well, I have to write vows. And I keep asking myself why I love Cody. So I can put it into words. But I just can't." She said looking down at her fingers that were fumbling with each other. 

"Stella. You are the most talented writer I know. It will come to you." I said and took her hand in mine. I felt a burning sensation run through me as our hands collided and it made me need to catch my breath. I could tell she was taken aback because she quickly stood up and said we should get inside. 

Did she feel that too? 

I don't know, but what I do know for sure is that I have nine more days to get Stella to see she is marrying the wrong guy. 

A/N: Hi guys!! Sorry it's been like two weeks I know but I have so many ideas so I just have to figure out how I want them to go. ALSO please keep voting and commenting it's my biggest motivation to keep this story going. I'm a full time college student so between homework and everything else sometimes this story slips my mind. But if I know there's people who want more from me I promise I will give you more!! i hope you guys are enjoying this, I love you guys!!

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