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Stella's Pov:

"I'm trying to hold my breath, let it stay this way. Can't let this moment end. You set off a dream in me, getting louder now. Can you hear it echoing? Take my hand. Will you share this with me? Cause darling without you, all the shine of a thousand spotlights. All the stars we steal from the night sky, will never be enough."

I watched the scene intently as Brooklyn was fast asleep on my chest. I looked over to see Chance was holding the bowl of popcorn tightly as he watched the scene and I smiled over at him. 

"Hey, Brooklyn fell asleep, should we carry her up?" I whispered getting his attention when the song was over. 

"Yeah, you got her or want me to take her?" He asked setting the bowl down quietly.

"I got her, I don't wanna wake her." I said softly as I stood with her in my arms. 

I walked upstairs with Brooklyn in my arms and Chance following close behind. He opened the door to her room and I set his in bed careful not to wake her. As he turned her night light on and shut the door we stood in the dimly lit hallway with no sounds except for the quiet snores coming from Presley's room.

"You know it's past midnight." Chance said and I laughed softly.

"Yeah I know, I don't exactly have a curfew anymore Chance." I laughed and he shook his head.

"No shit sherlock, I was telling you cause that means it's only five more days till your wedding." He said and my eyes widened slightly. 

"Yeah, you're right. Isn't that crazy?" I asked as we walked downstairs to his kitchen. He turned on the light and opened his freezer. 

"I know bride's are supposed to watch what they eat but I don't think this will make your dress too small." He smirked handing me a carton of ben and jerry's cookie dough ice cream. My favorite.

"How did you know?" I smiled taking ti from him and grabbing a spoon from a drawer.

"I know you better than you know yourself sometimes Stell." He reminded me and I smiled picking up ice cream with my spoon and holding up to his lips. 

"Want some?" I asked only then realizing how close we were. My breath halted as he leaned in and licked the spoon clean. I swallowed the lump in my throat and quickly took a spoonful to distract myself. 

"Stella?" Chance said looking between us at the few inches apart we stood from each other.

"Yeah?" I looked up at him with a spoonful fo ice cream in my mouth.

"Don't do it." He said with a distressed look on his face.

"D-Don't do what?" I asked my heart rate speeding up by the second as I placed the carton down on the counter next to us.

"Don't- uh don't- don't finish the ice cream. You can never be to careful." He said with a slight laugh at the end as he took the carton and put it away. 

"Oh- uh yeah you're right. Listen it's late I think I'm gonna head home." I said and gave him a quick hug before grabbing my keys off the counter and my wallet walking out of his side door to my car parked in his driveway.

What was I expecting him to say? 'Don't marry Cody?' God I am such an idiot. This is ridiculous.

Maybe I should just get some space from Chance until the rehearsal dinner. I'm falling apart at the seams every time I'm near him. 

I got in my car and took the two minute drive home with a million thoughts running through my mind. I shut off the engine and sighed sitting in my car for a minute just starring off into the distance. 

I have five days left. That's it. I was taken out of my daydream from my phone vibrating. I picked it up and saw a text from Chance.

"Didn't get to say goodnight cause you were in such a hurry, but sweet dreams Stell. I'll see you soon x." I shut my eyes tightly and sighed before pushing my phone into my pocket and getting out of my car. I locked it before walking up the walkway to my front door and letting myself in. The house was quiet so I figured everyone was asleep. 

I opened the door to my bedroom and heard Mia's soft snores as I yawned in response. I pulled my hair into a high ponytail and placed my phone on my charger before pulling the covers back and getting into bed.

"Do you take Stella to be your lawfully wedded wife?" 

"I do."

"Do you Stella take him to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." I now pronounce you husband and wife."

The view covering my eyesight was lifted and there stood Chance. A smile spread to my lips as he leaned in and kissed me. 

Cheers roared through the church just before I pulled away.

My happy expression turned to disappointment when I saw Cody standing in the place of Chance.

"No, no no no, where's Chance?" I asked desperately and Cody looked at me worried.

"Why do you care i'm your husband?" He scoffed and then pushed me down. I started falling and it felt like I was never gonna stop.

That was when my eyes shot open and I sat up breathing heavily. I gasped and brought my hand quickly up to my chest trying to catch my breath. 

I looked over to see Mia still peacefully sleeping at the time now 6:32 am. I sighed and laid back down unable to shut my eyes as I stared at the ceiling. Why is this happening to me? 

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