"Of course I'll join you and your friends!" Natsu said jumping out of his chair, I laughed awkwardly. I was kinda hoping he wouldn't want to come, I even tried telling him they were weird people.
"Awesome, ill tell them later," I said as I looked at the clock. When I got home from school, I had found out my parents have gone to work early. So I went into my room and ask Natsu if he had Skype, and I almost forgot I had my school uniform on so I quickly changed before he had called.
"How are the scratches doing?" He asked, leaning into the camera, I shrugged.
"They don't sting," I said, he sat back and clasped his fingers together, he cracked his fingers then leaned forward again.
"At least they don't sting." He said with a smile. I nodded and crossed my legs in my chair.
"I've been meaning to ask you, were you born with the rosy hair?" I asked he nodded proudly.
"No dye here, all natural." He whistled.
"That must be nice." I said, "Being able to have different hair color than others."
"Well, it can be negative." He said, "When I was younger I got called strawberry a lot. But I like the name now, so it doesn't bother me too much." I put my elbows on the desk.
"I'm bothered by such little things its crazy," I said with a laugh.
"Do tell me more." He said,
"Let's just say I have a lot of pet peeves," I said with a laugh, he laughed with me.
"I do too like people whispered loudly, or the shuffling of people not picking their feet up." He said, "The weird things bug me." "The weird things bug me too. When things aren't in order, or something's not straight.
"I'm pretty sure that's OCD." He said, if I could hit his arm, I would have,
"Ha ha, very funny. But I have been tested for that." I said,
"Are you serious?" He asked I nodded.
"Parents tested me for everything." I sighed, He laughed, then I saw a light bulb appear above his head.
"How about we play twenty questions." He suggested, god I hate this game, but might as well.
"Fine, i'll start," I said, he nodded, I thought for a second. "Birthday?" I asked,
"January twenty-third," He said, I nodded.
"February fifth." I said, "Now you go."
"Hm." He put his hand to his chin and thought for a second. "Have you ever been bullied yourself?" He asked, my heart stopped.
"Yes, my entire life," I said,
"So have I." He said, "That's why I'm homeschooled."
"I wish I could be homeschooled." That gave me an idea. "My next question, What's one wish you had always had?" I asked,
"To go to school and again and start again with new and fresh people."
"To meet people who won't want to shove me in a locker," I said with a laugh.We went on to more than twenty questions and we learned a lot about each other in that three-hour span. Sadly I was cut short when my parents got home, it was past eleven and if they found me up I would be put down.
"Goodnight Natsu, I'll see you tomorrow at four," I said, he yawned and nodded.
"Can't wait." He said with a smiled. I ended our call. I took a picture of our call time and quickly plugged my phone in and went to bed before my parents came upstairs. Just as I pulled the covers up my mom walked into my room for a second then walked out and closed the door, I let out a breath. I laid on my back at looked at my ceiling. My heart was beating out of my chest, I never talked to someone for so long before, not even Juvia or Lucy. I covered my eyes with my arm. My door slammed open and my light turned on, I shot from my bed and looked at my doorway.
"Mom?" I asked she was looking around my room, "What the heck?" She didn't acknowledge me. "Mom!" I shouted, she looked at me angrily. Crap, she was drunk. "Dad!" I screamed as she tumbled towards me, "DAD!" I screamed louder. He ran into my room and grabbed mom by the arm and pulled her out of my room
"I'm sorry dear." He said shutting my light off and closing my door." I laid back down, now I was awake. I got off my bed and went back to my desk. I opened my computer, Natsu was still online, but I didn't feel like spiking up a conversation. I went to google and just looked up memes the rest of the night.
♡♡♡what can I say? I'm inspired!!! The next part might take awhile since it's the meeting with the friends and possibly Laxus.... Ohahajejiehw
Yup I went there 😂

My Hero (Natsu x Reader)
Fanfictionok so this is my first Character and reader, so if it's bad I apologize a head of time. description Y/N was always the shy kid, a target to be shot at by bullies. Y/N starts thinking Fairy tail high wasn't meant for her, even after countless times...