Saturdays. I love those days. No school and a day to stay up in my room or go to the park and draw. Which was where I was going. I put on a long sleeved dark red shirt and light blue shorts. I put my ankle boots on. I packed myself a lunch. My parents aren't home and won't be until later so I didn't text them. I grabbed the key and put them all in my art bag. Then I headed out. The walked there was beautiful. It was a crisp morning, it wasn't to hot nor was it too cold. It was perfect. The park wasn't that far from my house so it didn't take long to get there.
I sat on the bench I always sit at. I took my sketchbook and pencils out. And began to sketch the playground in front of me. It was such a relaxing day like it always was. I jumped when the benched creaked. I tried not to look at who was sitting next to me, but it was hard. But I felt the person lean in.
"Whoa those are nice drawings." it was a boy. I turned at looked at him. He had spiked blonde hair and blue/grey eyes. He had a scar on his eyebrow and a piercing on his lip. He was wearing a tight brown shirt which showed off his abs and muscles. He was wearing baggy black pants and shoes which had yellow soles on the bottom.
"Thanks," I said, and went back to my drawings.
"You have a real gift there," he said, scooting a little closer.
"Thank you," I said, he leaned forward and put his elbows on his legs and cupped his hands in front of him.
"I'm Sting Eucliffe." He said like it mattered.
"Y/N L/N," I said, he bit on his piercing then sat back up straight.
"You go to Fairy Tail High right?" He asked I nodded.
"But you don't." I said, "but I've seen you around before."
"For your information I actually do." He said, looking offended.
"Oh sorry, I guess that's where you look familiar," I said, feeling slightly sorry. "Why do you want to know if I went to Fairy Tail?" I asked,
"I thought you looked familiar." He said then stood up. "You in an art class?" He asked I shook my head. "what a shame." He said.
"Well see you around in school." He said, then stuffed his hands into his pocket and walked off. I watched him leave, then turned back to my drawing. I didn't think it was that good. Yet again I didn't even know him, so he could have been sarcastic with me. I sighed. Then looked up at the sky, it was clear and blue. I closed my eyes.
"Hello." I jumped and looked forward. It was only Levy.
"Oh hey," I said, relaxing my shoulders. , sat down next to me.
"how are you?" She asked, I shrugged and looked at her book.
"What you got there?" I asked, she smiled and showed me. It was a book in another language. "Oh," I said
"It's in Norwegian." She said, then a boy with piercing all over his face and body came up to us. Levy stood up straight. "Hey, Gajeel." She said I looked at the long-haired kid.
"I was looking for you, you flew out of the book story like Lily does when I open the fridge." He said,
"You have a cat?" I asked he looked down at me.
"Yeah, I do." He said, "His names Panther Lily."
"Nice name," I said then looked at Levy. "It was nice seeing you," I said, then waved her off as she walked away with Gajeel. I sighed, finally having alone time. I went back to my drawing and allowed myself to be swallowed by the music of children laughing.
~~~~Time Skip~~~~
After spending time at the park I decided to go around town.
As I walked the streets and looked into the stores, I saw a chocolate store that I've never seen. I went in, it smelt of vanilla and caramel. The bell startled me as I opened the door, the person at the counter smiled at me.
"Hello ma'am, how can I help you?" She asked, I looked around and saw salted caramel covered in white chocolate.
"Can I get three boxes of these chocolates?" I asked, she nodded and went to the back. I waited for her to come back, I wasn't in a hurry so it wasn't a problem. I didn't have to worry cause she was back before I could blink.
"That will be $22.34." She said I gave her exact change, then grabbed the boxes and said my goodbyes. I began to walk home. I grabbed my phone and made sure my parents didn't message me, which they didn't. But it was no surprise, they were to busy working then to make sure I'm ok. I shook the thought out of my head and put my phone back in my pocket.Once I got home, I opened the door and went to the kitchen and set the box of chocolate onto the counter. I grabbed two of them and went to my room, I set them on my bed and went to my desk. I opened my computer and pulled up Skype, I let out a tiny laugh, I had over a hundred messages from Natsu. They were all of him sending me the same video over and over again.
ArtSupplies: Ok, Ok, I'm here please stop XD
He replied almost right away.
HotFire: Ah you're finally back from the dead!
I laughed harder than I should have his stupid joke. Then he called me, I wiped my laughing tears from my face and answered, he was in a different room.
"This is new," I said, leaning into the camera trying to get a better look. I realized he wasn't in his usual clothes.
"Yeah, it's my work out room." He said, and picked up the camera then showed me, "I accidentally punched that bag off the chain yesterday." He said I laughed,
"Sounds like you." I said, he made a face at me and set the camera back down, "did you call me just to show me how you work out?" I asked,
"No, I called you cause I'm bored." He said, "What do you do on Saturdays?" He asked.
"Well, I went to the park and the chocolate shop just a while ago," I said, he pouted.
"And you didn't invite me?" He asked I leaned back in my chair.
"I enjoy the peace and quiet," I said, Natsu looked at me offended.
"Are you calling me loud and distracting?" He asked I nodded and laughed.
"You said it not me." He stuck his tongue out at me, I did the same to him. "I kinda wish you lived closer," I admitted. "Would be nice to have someone else who doesn't want to shove me in a locker."
"Was that those buses yesterday?" He asked, then added sarcastically, "From the locker?"
"Yes." I said, "Some of Laxus friends heard what happened and ganged up on me and Lucy while we were walking the halls. They didn't get Lucy so bad but they tried their best to shove me in a locker. They didn't succeed mostly cause Gray and Bickslow came and scared them away." I looked back at Natsu. he was quiet again. "Natsu?" I asked, he broke from his gaze and looked at me with a smile.
"Sorry, I thought my father was calling me, was trying to listen." He said I knew he was lying, this happened last time when I mentioned Laxus the first time. I sat back in my chair.
"Alright," I said, anyway how was your day so far?" I asked he shrugged.
"Nothing too exciting happened." He said, then sat in a backward chair. "You want to do something later tonight?" He asked that threw me off guard.
"What do you plan on wanting to do?" I asked he thought for a second. Then the lightbulb flew over his head,
"There's this ice skating and rollerblading building I saw just at the outskirts of town." He said, "Wanna go later tonight?" He asked. This time I thought about it. I played with my sleeves of my shirt.
"Yeah, sure why not," I said with a small smile,
"Yes!" He cheered, "Whoa!" He fell forward and into the table the computer was sitting on. The table, Natsu, and the computer fell to the ground. I started laughing.
"Oh my god, Natsu, are you ok?" I asked. The computer camera was facing towards the door. I heard groaning which made me laugh a little harder. He lifted the computer back onto the table, then he sat down in the chair the right way. "You good?" I asked, he nodded his head, and rubbed his forehead.
"Natsu!" I heard a woman yell.
"I'm coming!" He shouted back, then looked back at me. "I'll pick you up at five-thirty." He said,
"See you then," I said, then ended the call.
A night with Natsu, what could go wrong?
First off, Sting doesn't have a piercing, I just thought I add it to give him character 😂.
The Sting meeting was whimpy, but I'm going to try and bring him and Rogue into the story more. I promise!!
DON'T WORRY I have not forgotten about Happy!! He will appear in my FF!! that I also promise..

My Hero (Natsu x Reader)
Fanfictionok so this is my first Character and reader, so if it's bad I apologize a head of time. description Y/N was always the shy kid, a target to be shot at by bullies. Y/N starts thinking Fairy tail high wasn't meant for her, even after countless times...