I hate Mondays, but yet again I hate everything, I may not look that way from others point of view because i'm such a sweet girl, well they're wrong. I may seem that way around certain people, but i'm such a bitch.
I haven't been going to Fairy Tail my entire high school career, and there's a reason i'm not such a good person. I've gone to a school called Phantom Lord. I've gone there up till my sophomore year of highschool. My parents saw my grades and how I was acting and they thought giving me a chance in a "better" school would give me better decisions. But look what happened.
Gajeel was from the same school as me, but he seemed to be turned into a softy by that Levy girl. I need him to get back on task with our actual plan on my we even came to this school. We aren't here to make friends or get dates. Fairy Tail is our rival, we need to shut it down. But Gajeel is softening! that's not good we need to stay on task.
I was leaning against the wall when I heard Gajeels voice, and a females followed after. The female must be Levy. I breathed and turned the corner, then touched Gajeels chest, they both stopped I looked at Levy with a smile.
"Do you mind if I steal him for a minute?" I asked, she nodded but didn't say anything, Gajeel rolled his eyes at me. "He'll meet you in class." I said, she waved him goodbye and I took my hand off his chest and looked at him. "Can you explain to me why we're here?" I asked.
"To over throw Fairy Tail." He mumbled,
"Excatly, and what was the rules we were given?" I asked, he sighed and crossed his arms.
"No friends or romanitc companies unless they're a cover." He said, then looked down at me.
"Now, is Levy a cover or are you breaking the rules?" I asked, he didn't say anything, "Gajeel." I pushed,
"Yes, of course she's a cover." He finally said, I smiled.
"Who's a cover?" I asked,
"Levy." He said and looked away, I smiled wickedly.
"Of course she is." I said then looked at the clock, "Well you better get to your little friend." I said and walked away. I looked at my phone, and pressed stop recording. I grinned as I put my phone in my pocket. I had a plan, a plan that would throw Y/N off the trial for sure, along with Natsu and that new girl. But for now, I needed to find a certain someone.
I walked up to a boy who was leaning against the wall. I walked up to him and slapped him across the face.
"It seemed you failed you idiot." I said, he looked at me.
"It ain't my fault."
"You were supposed to kiss her not pretend you were going to rape her." I hissed, he put his hands up.
"I was getting there, but her boyfriend came up to me and threatened to break my wrist if I did anything else." He put his hands down. "Why don't you ask Travis to do it?" He asked, I breathed in a long annoyed breath.
"I did, but he was with that new girl, so he really couldn't do anything. All I know is Natsu is threatened with both of you."
"Why don't you get Gajeel to do something."
"I already have him doing something, but he doesn't know it." I chuckled slightly. "Don't fail me again, got it?" I asked, he nodded. "This time actually get her to kiss you or something that makes her look bad in front of Natsu."
"Alright alright, I will." He said, then walked away. I sighed and went to my class, if this all worked out, then i'll get exactly what I want.

My Hero (Natsu x Reader)
Fanfictionok so this is my first Character and reader, so if it's bad I apologize a head of time. description Y/N was always the shy kid, a target to be shot at by bullies. Y/N starts thinking Fairy tail high wasn't meant for her, even after countless times...