Meeting Place

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Today was the day. I only met this kid two days ago and it's all Juvia and Lucy could talk about, Gray didn't care or pretended to not care because it was another male. Though I didn't care. Our three hour-long talk yesterday really helped though, we found out a lot about each other more than I think Juvia found out the first few days we knew each other. Though I didn't care, we were friends now. Even if it was a little distant friendship I didn't care.

The school day was alright. Eric didn't bother me at all, and other kids heard about me knocking Laxus out so they didn't bother me either. Though I wonder who told everyone. There wasn't anyone outside and there weren't windows from classrooms to see where we were. But then later I found out who told everyone.

I was walking the halls when I was staring into space. I ran into someone and we both dropped our things and fell to the ground.
"Shot," I said and looked at the girl who was picking her things up, I picked my things up. "I am so sorry," I said, then I stood up and helped the girl up. "I was staring into space, I didn't even see you." I bowed, "I apologize." I added, then stood up straight.
"Its fine, I wasn't paying either." She said, then turned slightly, but still looked at me. "I heard from Bickslow, that you knocked Laxus out." She shifted her books in her arms. "Is it true or is he talking big?" I didn't know how to answer that if I said yes then Laxus would be the laugh of the school. Wait. I nodded
"Yeah, I did," I said, she smiled.
"At least someone has the balls to teach him a lesson." She said, then walked away. I turned and went to look for Bickslow.
When I found him, he was surrounded by girls, which wasn't a  surprise.
"Bickslow!" I shouted, he looked at me and swore under his breath.
"Sorry ladies but I gotta take care of this." He said and walked towards me. "Hey Y/N, whats up?" He asked I put one hand on my hip.
"Why are you telling people I knocked out Laxus?" I asked he shrugged.
"Because no one had the balls to stand up to him like you and Gray did." He smiled down at me. "Come on, people are looking up to you now."
"I don't want people thinking I can just do that when they want me too," I said,
"I didn't say that." He started.
"You're making it sound like it," I said, then the bell rang. "We'll finish this conversation tonight," I said and walked off.

So that happened. I can't believe he went and told people I did that. I looked at myself in the mirror. I put my hair up in a bun, then looked over my outfit. Wasnt anything special. Just a long sleeved dark blue shirt with lace down half the middle, and I was wearing black shorts and my favorite black ankle boots. I took in a breathe and slowly let it out. I went downstairs and grabbed my purse and phone.
"I'm going out with friends tonight!" I yelled, hoping someone would hear me.
"Alright have fun, honey!" My father yelled back. I smiled, at least one of them cared. I looked out the window, Lucy was here. I left the house and got into her car.
"Hey, girl." She said as she pulled out of my driveway.
"Hey," I said and out my buckle on.
"Are you excited to see Natsu?" She asked I looked at her and shrugged.
"I saw him yesterday while we skyped, so not really." I said, "How about you?" I asked she nodded.
"From your descriptions you gave, he sounds hot." She said I chuckled.
"Oh my lord," I said with a laugh, she laughed too.

We made it to the restaurant, I saw familiar cars so I only assumed Gray, Juvia, and Bickslow were here. Lucy parked and we got out. We headed in and found them sitting at a table. We went over and sat down, leaving a spot next to me for Natsu.
"He is coming right?" Lucy asked looking around, I nodded.
"I said seven Lucy. It's only six-forty. So calm down." I laughed. I looked around once too. I was a little nervous, I know Natsu agreed so he could make new friends but he doesn't want these people his friends.
"someone looks nervous," Juvia said, I looked at her.
"Who?" I asked she pointed at me, "No I don't." I said. Gray nodded.
"Ya kinda do. You afraid he won't show up?" He asked,
"He will," I said,
"I wouldn't care," Gray said, Juvia smacked his arm.
"Hey be nice." She said, I grabbed a menu and looked at it. I didn't want to make a fool of myself or my friends. I mean Natsu seems like a down to earth kind of kid but still.
"Is that him?" Lucy asked as she grabbed my arm. I turned around, oh god it was. He was looking around. I breathed in, then waved till he saw me and walked over. He slid into the booth.
"Hey Y/N." He said to me with a smile.
"Hello, Natsu," I said everyone looked at him Gray and Bickslow shared the same shocked looks. Natsu looked at all of them.
"Hello." He said, "I'm Natsu."
"I'm Juvia." She said holding her hand out, Natsu grabbed it and shook it.
"I'm Gray and this is Bickslow," Gray said pointing to Bickslow.
"Bickslow huh?" Natsu asked he nodded. Lucy basically climbed over me.
"Don't forget about me." She sang, Natsu looked at her, "I'm Lucy, nice to meet you." She smiled and fluttered her eyes. I pushed her back down.
"Calm down," I whispered and looked at Natsu. "These are the people I told you about," I said, Natsu nodded.
"Their appearances look just as you described, except Gray." He said Gray looked at him both annoyed and shocked. I looked at Natsu startled.
"What do you mean?" I asked, "What did I say wrong?" Natsu looked at me with seriousness.
"You said he was a ladies man, but he looks like a major douche to me," Natsu said without cracking a smile or a laugh. Everyone else started laughing while Gray tried to reach over the table and get a hold of Natsu but a laughing Bickslow and Juvia were holding him back. I even cracked a smile.
"Gray calm down." I said, "You're making a scene." He stopped struggling and looked at me.
"I wonder why." He said, then looked at Natsu. "Definitely not because pinky here just pissed me off."
"Pinky?" Natsu said, "Huh, never heard that one before." He looked at Gray.
"Well, you're going to hear it a lot from now on." Gray threatened, or at least tried to threaten because he didn't know Natsu had now heard it all.
"So your hair isn't dyed?" Lucy asked I sighed, I knew she was going to ask that. He shook his head.
"Nope, I was born with it." ran his fingers through his hair and grinned. "All natural." I rolled my eyes, Lucy was practically on top of me of course. Juvia was laughing.

They all continued to ask him questions. Questions I already knew the answers too. When our food came we all settled down a little, but that didn't stop them from talking.
"We are totally missing the obvious question," Lucy said, oh god if she asks if he has girlfriends I will strangle her. "Where do you go to school?" I sighed in relief
"I'm homeschooled." He answered everyone's eyes widened.
"I could swear I told you guys." I said, "Or maybe you weren't listening." I mumbled.
"That sounds awesome." Juvia said, "Staying home all day." Natsu shrugged.
"It gets lonely." He said, but then shoved food into his mouth, attempting to change the subject.
"Jeusu Natsu, can you even taste your food?" I asked, he nodded and continued to eat. I already finished my food, so I was good. I played with my sleeves. So far nothing embarrassing or bad had happened.
"Oh, Natsu did you hear what Y/N did the other day?" Lucy said, my eyes widened and I looked at her.
"Y-yeah, I already told him," I said, trying to make her shut up, when I brought it up Natsu looked uncomfortable.
"Yeah, she did." He said, then ate some more. glad that ended before it got started.

After we ate, we talked a while then parted our ways.
"I'll call you later," Natsu told me, I nodded and got into Lucy's car.
"You have to give me his number," she said as we pulled out into the road. I laughed,
"I wouldn't do that to him," I said, she looked at me.
"What do you mean?" She asked,
"If he wanted to give his number away he would, I'm not going to give it away." She looked back at the road and pouted.
"Fine, i'll ask him myself when I see him again." She said I looked at her startled.
"What do you mean?" I asked, "Again?" She nodded.
"Yeah, when you bring him back to hang with us." She said with a smile. my heart eased. for a second I thought he was going somewhere with Lucy.
"Right." I said, "When I bring him again." I looked out the window.
"Damn, if only he went to our school." She said with a laugh, I laughed too. "He is eye candy." I slapped her arm and laughed again she laughed harder.
"Stop," I said barely getting it out as I laughed,
"It's true!" She hollered.

Yay, I got the chapter up!!! This one gave me the biggest brain fart in history so it better be good 😂, I promise the next chapter will be up soon. I have school and finals to study for so it might be a while.

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