There was an actual deep end to my closet where I kept all my useless dresses or shirts that I wore once or never wore at all. Natsu didn't take no for an answer when he told me he was going to find me a dress to wear.
"But I don't like dresses," I whined, he dug into my closet,
"Too bad." He said and pulled out a dress. "This is nice."
"Show me!" I said and purposely fell off my bed. He stood up and showed me. It was a dark blue-purple dress, with what looked like jewels around the waist, it has a curvy bottom and a long tail. The front was shorter than the back. I shook my head and grabbed the dress "No." I said,
"Why not?" He asked, "You'd look great."
"It's not that I don't want to, it's that I can't," I said, he looked at me confused.
"Why can't you?" He asked, I slowly looked at him.
"It was my grandmothers," I mumbled. He grabbed the dress and went behind me. He dropped it on the front of my body and we looked into the tall mirror that was against my closet door.
"I think she'd want you to wear it," he said, I looked at him in the mirror.
"But I don't want to wear it." I said, he gave me the 'you know you want to' look.
"Come on, you'll look beautiful." He said, then added. "Not like you need to try or anything," he mumbled,
"Don't be flirty with me," I said,
"Come on, you can't let beautiful clothes collect dust like that." He said, I sighed and grabbed the dress.
"Fine." I gave in, he smiled and hugged me.
"It's going to be great," he said, I put the dress on the bed and we went back downstairs. "What do you plan on wearing?" I asked, he looked at me and grinned.
"You'll see when we leave." He said, I crossed my arms and went back to the kitchen. I snatched my juice box off the counter and went to the living room. I sat on the couch and drank my juice box. I turned the TV on.
"Whatcha watching?" Natsu asked as he slid down next to me.
"Nothing, I just needed noise to fill in the silence," I answered with a smile. He looked at me.
"We could talk," he announced. I leaned back.
"I guess we could, what do you want to talk about?" I asked he made a "hm" noise.
"How about our parents." He said I looked at him,
"Why would we talk about that?" I asked he looked at me.
"Because, we haven't spoken about them for awhile, and I think we should talk about something that's tough in our lives."
"I think mine is obvious." I said, "My mother hates me and doesn't want anything to do with me. She should have sent me to live with grandma when I was little." I mumbled, he sat up and grabbed my hands.
"Don't say that Y/N." He started. "If you went with her, then we wouldn't have met like we did. And you wouldn't be the person you are today. remember things that happen in your life happen for a reason, they shape you."
"I feel like you started this conversation just so you can lecture me." I said. He shrugged. "Whatever, how about your parents?" I asked,
"Mine alright." He said. "Maybe your parents should take parenting advice from mine." I laughed.
"No kidding." I said, then my phone rang. I groaned and looked the caller ID. "Speak of the devil." I said, then answered. "Hey dad."
"Hey sweetie, it's already been a week, I was just wondering of the house was still standing." He said.
"Yeah it is." I laughed, "But a few things have happened."
"Good or bad?" He asked,
"Alright, tell me."
"Well, my computer exploded a few days ago, um Juvia wants me at a bottom of a mud hole, and me and Natsu are officially dating."
"You and Juvia aren't friends anymore?" He asked, "You guys were so close."
"That's what I thought too, but she turned on me faster than I could blink."
"I'm sorry sweetie, and don't worry. I'll get you a new computer."
"Thanks dad." I mumbled,
"And looks like you took my advice." He said,
"Yeah, it was good advice. Just don't tell mother please."
"Why not?" He asked confused.
"You know how she is with me hitting on your guys bosses." I said quietly.
"Alright I won't, but you know what would happen if she finds out by herself."
"I know, but for now let it be our little secret alright."
"Alright, well I have to go, i'll call you soon alright?" He asked,
"Alright, I love you." I said, then hung up. Natsu looked at me and grinned.
"You actually hit on people?" He asked, I grabbed the edge pillow and threw it at him.
"Oh shut it." I said, he laughed.
Is there anything better then pussy? Yeah, a really good book!

My Hero (Natsu x Reader)
Fanfictionok so this is my first Character and reader, so if it's bad I apologize a head of time. description Y/N was always the shy kid, a target to be shot at by bullies. Y/N starts thinking Fairy tail high wasn't meant for her, even after countless times...