Remember it isn't the last chapter! It's just the last for this part! (That dragged in forever 😂)
I know it took me a long time to get this chapter posted, but it's also effing long, so that I apologize for.... it's like over 3000 words, including this little description... so HAVE FUN AND I HOPE YOU ENJOY.
(Actually 3011)Natsu POV
I reached the Café. Now it was time to wait for Y/N. I just hope I wasn't going to be waiting for no one.Y/N POV
I started to the Café , My heart raced, as I stepped the feelings of fear and regret started slamming against my heart and my brain. I felt like I shouldn't be going, I felt like I should stay mad at him because of he choose his friend over me, but that feels selfish, and I guess that's where the guilts coming from.Natsu POV
I felt instant regret as I sat down in the seat. I denied all table service till my guest came. I didn't even know what I was going to say, I knew sorry wasn't remotely close to the right apology. Maybe I should start off with a classic, apology without actually saying sorry? I slowly shook my head, then looked at my watch, six-fifteen. I still have faith. I still have fifteen minutes.Y/N POV
I slowly arrived at the Café. I looked at my watch, six-sixteen. I have fourteen minuted to figure out of I was going to go in or not. Or maybe thirty seconds, because before I knew it, I was grabbing for the doorknob. My stomach was turning and my heart was pounding so loud I could hear it.
I pulled open the door and stepped through. The woman at the counter looked at me and smiled.
"Hello dear," she said cheerfully, too cheerfully. "How may I help you?"
"I'm actually here to meet up with someone, his names Natsu? , pink hair?" it processed in her brain, then she nodded and pointed to the booth that was in the far corner. I could see Natsu's hair sticking up from behind the seat.
"Thank you," I said, she nodded then went back to another customer who was at the counter eating. I gripped my sleeves as I walked over to the booth. I took in a deep breath, and in one swift movement, I slid into the seat vertical from him. he looked at me with very wide eyes.
"Y-You came," he said, trying to keep his cool. I nodded.
"Did you not except me too?" I asked he shrugged.
"I wasn't sure. You're mad at me, I didn't think you wanted to talk to me," he replied.
"I guess I just wanted to hear what you had to say," I said, he nodded.
"Well, I guess there aren't many words I can say but I'm a complete moron." he started, I held my tongue, I could comment off that, but I'm here to listen. "I thought to help Fatima figure this out was a good idea. But as soon as I tried, I realized I couldn't do it, I didn't have support. She didn't even try to clear her name, all she did was tell me to get over you." he looked at me with a guilty look. "But the thing is, I didn't get over you Y/N. I didn't want to even break up with you, I don't know why the words that came out of my mouth yesterday even came out of my mouth. I'm stupid, and I understand if you'll never forgive me, but I want you to know that I regret picking her over you, if I would have known she wouldn't have anything, I would have left her to figure it out, but my friend zone kicked in and I felt like I had to be there. But I felt like I needed you more, no, I feel like I need you more, and I do. You may not know it, but I do. I'm so sorry that I hurt you Y/N, I promised myself I'd never make you cry, but I did and it was the worst feeling ever. It was like millions upon millions of knives in my heart." he took a long breath, then looked down at this hands. "there isn't enough sorry's in the world, but I wish I could give you all of them." he slowly looked at me, to wait for my response. To be honest, I was going to bash this child. But he's making it a little difficult. so I took a long breath myself.
"You made me upset Natsu, you did it so sudden, and I let myself believe it was for Fatima, because you felt like it was the right thing to do, but I also felt deep down inside that she was trying to do this. I felt selfish and regret because I knew Juvia was behind this, I couldn't get myself to say she was the one who most likely put the note in my locker, who probably wrote the letter, but her face showed she wasn't lying, and I can't lie. I feel selfish because I didn't want Fatima to be your main attention, I wanted to be. I wanted to punch you so bad Natsu, I don't think you realize how pissed I was. I haven't known you as long as Fatima, but I can tell you have a huge heart, and I can't be mad about that, but giving up so easily made me mad because I could have helped but you wanted to do this yourself which pissed me off even more." I took in another breath. "I'm here for you Natsu, but I think you forgot about that, that just makes me upset." now it was my turn to wait for his reaction.
"I don't know what to say Y/N." he mumbled, "I asked you here, and I didn't know what I was going to say. You're hella mad, I understand, I fucked up beyond repair, but I just want you to do one thing for me." he looked up at me. "please look past it, and get back with me, because I cannot last another day without you, my sunshine disappeared as soon as I walked away." he reached for my hand, I didn't pull it away when he grabbed it, and I think he was a little surprised I let him grab my hand. "I'm sorry Y/N." he repeated, I don't think he realizes that an apology was all I was looking for.
"What are we going to do about Fatima?" I asked him, he shrugged.
"I don't know," he replied, I looked out the window, then back at Natsu. "are we going to do anything about Juvia?" I thought for a moment, somehow she needs to be expelled because of the way she's talking about getting rid of fairy tail. A small smile appeared on my lips.
"We need to find both Levy and Gajeel," I said.
"Wait. Why Gajeel?" he asked,
"Because he knows how to deal with Juvia, and Levy as the proof for our dealing with her," I replied, I probably could have just explained what I wanted to do, but I enjoy leaving people in suspense.
"Ok, and how do you manage to do that? Last time I knew, Levy and Gajeel weren't talking to each other," he commented.
"I never said them together, I just need both of them, then we can get Juvia into our trap." I said, "so I'll call Levy, and you'll text or call Gajeel, tell him to meet you here in five minutes, give him an excuse, I already have one. got it?" I asked him, he nodded and grabbed his phone, I got mine, we parted ways, I went outside, while he stayed inside. I dialed Levy's number. she answered the first ring.
"Hey, you alright?" she asked,
"No, I need to talk to you about Natsu, do you think you can come to the café in five minutes?" I asked,
"Yeah, of course, I can, I'll see you shortly." she hung up. I smiled, alright I got her, I looked into the window of the café Natsu gave me a thumbs up, I did the same. Then waited.

My Hero (Natsu x Reader)
Fanfictionok so this is my first Character and reader, so if it's bad I apologize a head of time. description Y/N was always the shy kid, a target to be shot at by bullies. Y/N starts thinking Fairy tail high wasn't meant for her, even after countless times...