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"Natsu!" I heard someone sing. I sighed and turned around, I already knew who it was.
"What Juvia?" I asked she smiled at me.
"Why so cold towards me?" She asked sarcastically. I crossed my arms. I was waiting for Y/N so we could leave, and if she finds me with Juvia, that could cause some problems.
"Don't act stupid," I said, she frowned at me and crossed her arms.
"I just came to talk." She said, "I found something that you should know, because I may have misspoken to Y/N, but I swear this is true. The new girl has a huge crush on you and might split you and Y/N apart. But I guess you don't need to believe me. I just thought you'd know." She said, then patted my shoulder and walked off, just as Y/N walked out of the door.
"Hey." She said with a smile. I looked at her and dropped my arms.
"How was school?" I asked,
"After you switched classes I was lonely." She teased.
"Sorry, but I got to go to classes that are in my career plan," I said and grabbed her hand. We decided to walk to school today so we get to walk home.
"I miss you in my classes though." She said, I looked at her and smiled.
"We have a few classes together." I reminded.
"Yeah, yeah. I can live with that." She said and bumped into me playfully. I let her hand go and wrapped my arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. All I could think about was what Juvia said, I mean I know I can't trust her, but what if she's right? I shook my head, of course, she wasn't right. "Hey, do you want to watch a movie tonight?" She asked,
"Yes, I do," I said, she smiled at me and laid her head on my shoulder.

When we arrived at her house she wanted to watch the movies right away so she ran to her room and changed into something comfortable. I did the same and went to the living room. I heard Y/N run down the stairs. I turned and watched her run into the living room. She jumped over the couch with a blanket she landed in my arms as she laughed. I turned the movie on and we sat there and watched it together.

Y/N slowly fell asleep during maybe the fourth movie. I didn't want to wake her up, it was really late. I turned the TV off and looked at her. She had the blanket to her chin. I smiled and picked her up bridal style. I got her blanket to cover her like a burrito. I slowly stepped up the stairs carefully not to drop her or hit her head on anything. She was surprisingly light. I kicked her door opened and laid her on her bed. I tried to unwrap her from the blanket burrito, but I couldn't without waking her. So I just left her and put another blanket over her. I was going to leave, but something made me stop and look at her. I made my way to her bedside and leaned down and kissed her forehead then hurried out of there. I went to my room and collapsed on the bed.
I grabbed my pillow and slammed myself in the face with it
Look at all those chickens!


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