I slowly woke up, the sunlight shining through my window hurt my eyes. I slowly sat up and rubbed my eyes, I felt something touch my leg, first I thought it was happy but it didn't feel like a cat, so I looked over. It was Natsu. I startled myself and tried to get out of the bed but I got tangled in the blankets and fell off the bed. I landed on my shoulder. I held in my scream but I had already woke Natsu up.
"What the?" He mumbled, then sat up quickly. "Y/N?" He asked,
"Down here," I said, he crawled over and looked over the bed and smiled at me.
"Well good morning to you," he said,
"Can you help me?" I asked, "I'm stuck." It was true, my bed was close enough to the edge of my wall for my body to just fit.
"Alright, just wait." He said and grabbed my arm, then pulled, I tried pushing myself but my arm was stuck and I couldn't move it.
"Ow ow ow!" I yelped. he let me go and thought, then disappeared. I heard things moving across my floor, then my bed moved and I slid off the register. I untangled myself from the blankets and stood up. I put the blankets on the bed and "thank you." I said, he grinned.
"You could have climbed over me." He said I shrugged.
"I forgot you were next to me and I got startled," I admitted, he started laughing. "Don't laugh at me," I said and crossed my arms.
"Aw, I'm sorry." He said, "now come on let's make breakfast." he said and walked out the door, I followed him. I looked out the kitchen window as we walked downstairs.
"Is it raining?" I asked, he looked out the window and shrugged.
"Don't know." He said and went to the fridge. "What do you want?"
"Eggs.' I said, "Scrambled."
"How many?"
"Four," I answered then went to the front door and opened it, it was raining. "It is raining," I muttered with a smile. I closed the door and went back to the kitchen. "It's raining." I sang and leaned over the counter.
"I thought you didn't like rain." He said,
"No, I don't like storms. Rain is just water."
"And a storm is just noises." He said and looked at me.
"They still scare me," I said with a shrug.
"anyway, what do you plan on doing today?" He asked,
"Today?" he nodded.
"It's Saturday, you always do things on Saturdays," he said, then grabbed plates and divided the eggs.
"Hm, that's a good question." I said, "I usually go sit in the park, but since it's raining I guess that isn't an option." I said,
"What do you usually do when it's raining?" He asked,
"I just sit at home and watch youtube till my parents get home," I said, then something soft touched my leg, I looked down Happy looked at me and meowed. "Hey Happy," I said then picked him up, he curled in my arms, then looked at Natsu and meowed.
"I was wondering where you went," Natsu said, then pet his head. He meowed at him again.
"Yeah, I think I'll just stay here today," I said, then set Happy back down on the ground he scurried into the living room. Natsu handed me a plate of eggs and we sat down.
"Well then, what do you want to do." He asked, I shrugged.
"Probably just watch movies all day." I took a bite of my food and looked at Natsu. "What do you want to do today?" I asked him as I pointed my fork in his direction.
"I guess we could watch movies." He said with a smile. I smiled back and we finished our eggs. Then we watched movies the entire day and most of the night before I fell asleep.
This chapter wasn't going anywhere so that's why it was short 😂

My Hero (Natsu x Reader)
Fanfictionok so this is my first Character and reader, so if it's bad I apologize a head of time. description Y/N was always the shy kid, a target to be shot at by bullies. Y/N starts thinking Fairy tail high wasn't meant for her, even after countless times...